Chapter 1. Friends

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It's the first day of school I felt nervous that day I don't know why but I couldn't wait to see my friends Danni , Myra , Anna , & Adrianna . My mom already had dropped me off at school already.

"Wow I cant believe schools already starting"
I said while getting off the car and walking in the school

I saw my friends and I went to them just like any other kid does

Myra came walking to me excitedly I was walking to her with a big smile cause I was excited to see all my friends
"Hi stevie!" Myra told me while she was walking to me
"Hey Myra what's up how was your summer" I said feeling nervous

"Omg dude it was boring I was just on Twitter like always stalking nash Grier like any other fangirl and you ?" Myra answered

"Ohh my god my summer was fucking amazing like to be honest I went to San Diego , San Francisco , Los Angeles well we live in Los Angeles so yea haha" I said excitedly

"Haha well yea lets go to class now" Myra told me

️"️okaay sure" I said , me and Myra were just walking to class cause Danni , Adrianna and Anna had already left us.

*Lunch time*

Me and my friends were just talking about what we should do this weekend like go to Santa Monica or movies
"Why don't we just go to Santa Monica I meant it's August so like why not go to Santa Monica" danni said

"Yea she's right we should just go to Santa Monica" Adrianna said
So we all just said fine we'll just go to Santa Monica . It was already after school I walk home everyday Since I like 5 blocks away from school .

I was walking home just hearing music with my headphones on blasting Lana del rey gods & monsters
But I had this strange feeling like someone was following me or watching
I was just walking fast to go home I was already like 1 block away
I called my mom cause I didn't feel safe even though I was one block away

"Mom pick me up I'm like one block away from the house" i said panicky

"why your just a block away I'm just waisting gas" my mom said bitchy

"Yea I know but I feel like I'm being followed , just pick me up" i said while walking very fast

"Ay okay just be walking fast cause I'm already going to the car" my mom said nervously

"Okay I am but ......" I said

"Stevie stevie hello ! Stevie answer"


"Stevie I'm going for you already" my mom said panicking

But by the time she came i was already gone I was taking by a guy who was wearing all black and a mask he had a centra but I didn't know where he was taking me.

To be continued...

I hope you guys like this fan fic. I'm gonna have like 12 or 13 chapters
I hope you guys liked chapter 1.
Bye loves♡

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