Chapter 2 Love ?

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It's been 2 days since I was kidnapped I was really worried about my friends & family . I feel bad of how there gonna feel of me being missing , but to be honest I kinda feel like comfortable of me being kidnapped like I'm scared yea but I have a feeling this kidnapper is kinda good.

"Where are you taking me ?" I said trying not to be scared and trying to act normal.

"To my house but don't worry i'm not gonna do any harm to you trust me"the kidnapper told me. "My names matthew what's yours ?"

"My my name is stevie" i said while trying to take the rope off my hand
"Well don't worry stevie don't be scared I won't do any harm to you trust me" he told me while he's driving
"How should I trust you if you just took me out of no where ?" I told him
"Ugh stevie just trust me okay"
"Fine okay fine I trust you"
"Okay thanks !"

I had a feeling this guy was a good guy to be honest . "Uhh matt why do you still have your mask on ?"
"Ohh sorry let me take it off"
*matt taking off his mask"
"Wow you look amazing" i said blushing
"Haha thanks you too" he said smiling
"Hey sorry to bother you but can you take these fucking ropes off my hands there like uncomfortable"
"Yea yea sure sorry" he said while pulling the car over
"Thanks" I said
"No problem" matt said
Matt is actually a nice guy he's cute , funny , and adorable but I don't understand why he would just take me ?

*we arrive to his house"

"So is this your house ?" I said while getting off the car . "Yea it is why ?" Matt said
"Ohh nothing just wondering , so what part are we at of L.A ?" I said
"We're at Beverly hills" matt answered
"Wow it's actually nice that you live here" I said
"Haha yea lets go in cause it's freezing out here" matt said while him putting his arm around me and taking me inside

I had this weird feeling that I like him is that a good thing ?

"Wow your house is nice" i said while taking my jacket off
"Thanks Umm do you want something to drink or food ?" Matt told me
"No I'm fine thanks for asking though" I said
"Well if you want anything just let me know okay" matt told me
"Ohh yea there's one thing that I want" i told him
"And what is it ?" Matt said
"I wanna call my mom and tell her I'm doing okay" i said
"Ohh yea sure" matt said while passing me the phone

*calling my mom*

"Hello ?" My mom said
"Hey mom it's me stevie"
"Stevie oh my god where are you tell me please I'm worried about you"
"Im fine it's okay my kidnapper actually turned out to be nice"
"Stevie tell me now where are you"
"Mom I'm fine I promise well I got to go I'm gonna watch a movie with him"

*hangs up*
"Well I told her that I'm fine and that your a really nice kidnapper" i told matt"
"Really ?" Matt said
"Really what ?" I said
"You think I'm a nice kidnapper ?" Matt said
"Well yea I thought you were like those other kidnappers that just kill the person" I said
"Haha no I'm not silly" matt said
"Ohh haha I thought you were"i said
"Haha no I'm not trust me I'm here to protect you" matt said
"Protect me of what ?" I said confused
"Well I don't know but I'm not gonna hurt you that's for sure" matt told me
"Ohh okay well thanks" I said
"No problem stevie" matt told me

Wow matt is wow he is very kind

"Matt I need to tell you something" I said
"Sure what is it" matt answered
"This might sound completely weird but I like you" I said
"As a friend or more than friends ?" Matt said confusedly
"More than friends" I answered
"Well I'm totally fine with that" matt said happily
"Really your not gonna be all grossed out cause I'm a boy?"
"No not really , you seem cool to be honest" matt told me
*me blushing*
"Well yea tomorrow we're gonna go to Santa Monica cause I wanna get to know you" matt told me"
"Okay me too I wanna get to know you too" i said smiling.

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