Chapter 9. Wont let you go

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So today nash & cam invite Me & matt to a party at there house today , I said sure but I wanted to invite Myra , Danni , Anna , and Adrinna cause I haven't seen Anna and Adri in a long time .
So I called them they were down for it . But I called cameron and told him no drugs cause last time I was a fucking mess . So The girls came to matts house . It was like 3:00 in the afternoon , but they were all ready ready . And the parties like at 8:00 . So we just sat and talked about what's going on at school .

"Dude there like looking for you like hardcore" Adrianna said
"Yea that's true" Anna said
"well don't tell them where I am" I told them
"You've been missing for like a month now but okay it's what you want" Adrianna said
"Okay thanks" I said

So it was already 6:00 and I got ready cause I take a really long time getting ready . So It was already time we all went in the car and we arrived at the house .

This time it was full on packed like we couldn't move that much . So I went with my friends . Of course myra went with Nash . And Me , anna , Adrianna , and Danni . We're together , I told Matt that he can go and party if he wanted he said okay and gave me a kiss .

So I went inside to get a drink , and I saw my fucking brother . I tried to hide but we ended up bumping into each other .

"Ohh hey what's up Ray long time no talk" i said nervously
"Stevie oh my god what are you doing here" Ray said
"Im with my friends and matt" i said
"Who's matt ?" Ray said
"My-my friend" I told him nervously
"Stevie you need to go back home" Ray said

I ignored him and went back outside with my friends .

"Dude your not gonna believe who I saw !" I told my friends
"Omg who !" They said
"My brother" I told them

They all just stared in shocked , and I was scared cause I don't want anything to happen . So I just went inside and got fucking waisted .

*3 hours later*

It was like 4:30 in the morning i was already drunk , But I felt a little normal .
I started to see black and I knocked out . Out of nowhere .

I woke up the next morning at a house , I got up and walked around the house calling matts name .

"Matt where are you ?" I said
"Who's Matt ?" My sister said
"Wait where the fuck am I" I told my sister
"Your back home , you knocked out at a party Ray saw you at yesterday , so he got you and brought you back home" she said

I panicked and ran upstairs , I got my phone and I called matt right away .

"He-hello ?" Matt answered
"Matt it's me stevie" i said
"Stevie where are you , I'm worried about you" matt said
"Okay so yesterday at the party i Knocked out and I woke ended waking up at my house" I said
"Stevie" matt said

I knew he was broken in the inside already by the sound of his voice

"Matt can you pick me up?" I told him
"Yea , but be outside" matt said
"Okay" I said

So I packed my whole entire closet , and my phone . My mom saw me and she said your not leaving .

"What are you gonna do about it" I told her
"I'll call the cops" she said

Matt was already outside I got my bag and I ran to the car .

"Matt hurry open the door" i said while running
"Now drive !" I said while panicking
"What happened ?" Matt said
"Okay so my mom wanted me to stay and not leave with you , and so I saw you and I decided to run to the car" I told him
"Okay , did you atleast packed clothes ?" He told me
"Yea I packed my whole closet , and I brought my phone" I told him
"Okay good , cause your gonna live with me from now on" he told me

I just smiled and gave him a kissed .

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