Chapter 11. Lost tonight

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So yea stevie had lost his memory , I've tried talking to him it seems like he doesn't remember anything ... None of this wouldn't have happened . It's all my fault

*3 hours later*

So I called Myra , *Stevie's friend*

"Hello ?" Myra picked up
"Hey it's matt , Umm I wanted to ask you a question ?" I said
"Okay what is it ?" Myra said
"I want Stevie's family , friends or other relatives of his to go and see him in the hospital" I told Myra
"Okay ... I'll tell my friends and his family cause his house is just right behind me" myra said
"Okay thanks myra" I told her
"No problem" she said

I wanted his family , friends to go cause I want to help him gain his memories back .. But I'm - I'm kinda nervous cause his moms gonna be there and I don't know how she's gonna act and what she's gonna do to me .



I woke up laying on a bed , I was scared I felt alone , I didn't have no one to call and be with me ... I tried to remember a number of one of my friends but I couldn't remember it .

I heard someone knock on the door

"Come in" I said nervously
"Hey it me Myra and this is matt" myra said
"Who are you ?" I said confusedly
"im your friend one of your best friends" myra told me
"And who's the guy ?" I told her
"Ohh this - this is matt , your b-boyfriend" she said stuttering
"Since when did I have a boyfriend ?" i said
"Hey Myra can I have a chat alone with Stevie please ?" Matt said
"Sure !" Myra said

I got nervous like i didn't know who this guy was , but I kinda remembered myra ?

"Hey Stevie it's me matt , Umm I wanted to talk to you and try to get your memory back . Your mom and your family is gonna come too and see you later on , I'm matt your boyfriend , Remember that day when I took you to The beach and we started talking and started to get to know each other ? . And remember when I took you too a party and you started slouching and you almost got in a fight with a girl haha , I remember that time
And remember when Umm when I- I kidnapped you ?"Matt said Almost tearing up

"Wait you - you kidnapped me ?" I said
"Yea , but we actually had a good time together and I promised you I wouldn't do any harm to you remember when I said that ?" Matt told me
"I think so" I told Matt
"Matt stevies moms here" myra opened the door and interrupted

I saw a woman coming into the room and started crying .

"Stevie what happened" my *mom*said
"What do you mean what happened ?" I told her
"What happened why did you end up here did something bad happened" she said crying
"I don't really know what happened , and I don't know who you are ?" I said

She stared at me in shocked , and then I saw everyone started to come in the room .
Myra introduce me to them .

"Stevie this is Brandi your sister , Stephanie your other sister , Raymond and junior your brothers , and this is Anna , Adrianna , Danni , and that's Mitch Danni's friend" she told me
"Hi ?" I told them confusedly



I got scared of seeing everyone coming in the room , I knew something bad was gonna happen .

"Matt I need to talk to you but outside" Stevie's mom told me
"Okay" I said nervously

*outside the room*

"What happened tell me everything" Stevie's mom said
"Okay well , me and stevie like rainy days and we both decided to get some starbucks and we both went and the road was slippery and I lost control of the car and we went off t-the road" i said trying to hold back my tears
"Why matt why" she said
"Why what ?" I told her
"First you take away my kid by kidnapping him and now he lost his memory cause of you" she said
"I know it's my fault" I said sadly

I heard the door open where stevie room is , it was stevie !

"Look *mom* I know matt he seems really really familiar and it wasn't his fault really , everyone makes mistakes and I don't really know what had happened but it's not matts fault" stevie told his mom
"Stevie look we're going home now" his mom said
"No I'm not going with you , I rarely know you , I'm starting to know matt more now and my friends but you guys I don't know honestly I know there my brothers and sisters I think but I wanna stay with matt" stevie told his mom

"Whoa calm down" I said
"Yes I know he kidnapped me , yes I know he's my boyfriend , yes I know me and him did a lot of stuff together , and how I know that is because he told me , he told me everything that me and him did and look at you , you just want me to go home and I don't even fucking know you" Stevie said tearing up

His mom was in shocked , I could tell by her stare .

"Cmon Guys go to the car were gonna leave stevie with matt" his mom said telling the his siblings



I felt a little weird motion in me I felt very weird out , I'm staying with matt , but matt seems like a really nice guy to be honest .

So matt took me to his house and he just grabbed out a book filled with pictures of me and him doing a lot of stuff together . I was starting to remember when we did all of this stuff . but I still need to remember my family and what have they done with me when I was little .

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