Chapter 5 Seduction

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I woke up this morning waking up next to matt , and we were Umm naked .

"What the fuck happened last night" i said
"You don't remember ?" Matt told me
"No haha" I said
"Haha want me to tell you what happened" matt said
"Sure" I said

"So as soon as we got back from Hollywood last night we just came and watched a movie like always or just go outside and talk. Okay so last night was very different , we Umm got a little you know touchy last night , and we came to the room and we started kissing and you started coming down all the way to my waist , you unbuckled my belt and my button and zipped down my zipper and you started Umm sucking me . And I guess you know what happened next" matt explained

"Umm you put your dick in my ass ?" I said
"Yes I did" matt told me
"Did you wear a condom ?" I told Matt
"Yes I did ... Why ?" Matt said
"Because you know what they say always wear protection" i said
"Haha" matt chuckled

*4 hours later*

Matt and I went to the backyard and just talk like how we always do . It was sunny and kinda cloudy but really fresh .

"So my friend shawn called" matt told me
"Ohh really" I said
"Yea" matt said
"What did he want ?" I told Matt
"Nothing just what's up and other stuff" matt told me
"Ohh" I said
"Yea haha , Ohh Nash met one of you friends" matt told me
"Oh my god really !" I said
"Yea haha he met myra" matt told me
"Omg matt I need to call her I bet she's like dead right now" I told Matt
"Haha what do you mean by she's dead ?" Matt said
"Cause she loves Nash and shes always wanted meet him Duhh" I told Matt
"Haha okay well call her" matt told me
"Omg i will be right back" I told him
"Haha okay" matt said

Myra is one of my best friends who means the whole world to me obviously .

*calling myra*

"Hello ?" Myra said
"Omg Myra is it true you met nash!" I said excitedly
"OMG STEVIE YES !!" Myra said excitedly
"Haha I'm so happy for you" I told Myra
"Dude he said he loves me and he gave me a hug and dude I was crying" Myra told me
"Haha Aww... Who was with you"i said
"Adrianna & Anna" Myra answered
"Haha tell them I said hi" i told Myra
"Haha I will , and how is it with matt" Myra said
"It's actually pretty good ... Omg dude I need to tell you something" I told Myra
"Omg tell me" Myra said excitedly
"Okay so last night me and Umm matt got a little sexy" i said
"Omg Stevie" Myra said
"Haha what" I said
"Was his penis big" Myra said Curiously
"Very big" I said
"Omg" Myra said
"Well haha I don't want a guy with a fucking baby penis of course" I told Myra
"Haha" Myra chuckled
"Haha well I got to go I'll call you later" I told Myra
"Haha okay well bye love" Myra said
"Haha Bye" I said

I like talking with Myra she's like that person that makes you comfortable talking with and who makes you laugh , she's a really true friend to me like we're honest to each other , I'm always there for her when she's down , she's also there for me when I'm down .

*Calling Myra again"

"Hello ?" Myra answered
"Hey Myra it's stevie again" I said
"Ohh it's okay and what's up?" Myra said
"Haha I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to Santa Monica tomorrow ?" I said
"Yes of course" myra said
"Haha okay I'll see you there At 12:00 pm" i said
"Okay see you there" Myra said
"Haha okay you too bye love" I said
"Haha bye" Myra said

So tomorrow is gonna be My day to spend with Myra .
It's gonna be fun I can already tell (:

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