Chapter 4. My address is Hollywood

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*The next day*

"So you ready to go to Hollywood and just explore it ?" Matt told me
"Of course I am" I said excitedly
"Haha okay well get in the car"matt said
"k" i said

So we were just On our way to Hollywood
We were blasting Blank space by taylor swift in the car just messing around singing the song .

"Okay we're here stevie" matt said

*unbuckled my seatbelt got off the car*

"Wow this place is so beautiful matt" i said
"Haha I know right ... J-just like you" matt said blushing
"You think I'm beautiful ?" I said
"Haha well everyone in this world is beautiful" matt said
"True" I told him
"Haha well let's walk around" matt said
"Okay" I said blushing

So while me and Matt were walking we bumped into my friends .
Myra , Anna , Adrianna , & Danni .

"Oh my god Stevie !!" They all said
"Haha hey what's up" I said
"Dude it's been like a week since you've missed school what's going on ?" Myra said
"Ohh well this might sound weird but I was kidnapped and this is my kidnapper his name is Matthew" I said
"Hi Matthew !" Anna said nicely
"Stevie your not gonna go back to your family ?" Myra said
"Yea Stevie aren't you gonna go ?" Danni said
"Well to be honest I kinda like being here with matt" I said to them
"Stevie why don't you wanna come back and be with us , what if he does something to you ?" Myra said
"Haha I'm not gonna do any harm to him trust me" matt told Myra
"How can we trust you if you just kidnapped him" Adrianna said
"Just look I'm fine with being with him I promise" I told them
"but stevie" Myra said
"Myra look I know were very good best friends but trust me love , I'm doing fine with matt" I told Myra
"You sure ?" Myra told me
"Yes I am sure" I told Myra
"look matt you better take good care of stevie" Myra told matt
"Haha I will Myra I will" matt said to Myra
"Well bye nice bumping in to you guys" I told my friends
"Haha bye take care stevie" my friends told me .

Me and Matt got on the little Hollywood van , it's like a van where it takes you around Hollywood to explore ... Me and Matt got a seat in the way back .

"Matt this is so beautiful" I told Matt
"Haha I know it is" matt said while him putting his arm around me

We saw many things like the Hollywood sign , the walk of fame , we even saw some celebrities there. I was really happy cause I never experienced such a beautiful sight like this .

"Haha I love seeing you happy stevie" matt told me
"Haha Aww me too" I told Matt
"It's my job to make you happy , to make you laugh , to make you feel comfortable , To love you !" Matt told me
"I love you matt" I said
"I love you too stevie" matt told me

We just started into each other's eyes and then ... BAM ... We kissed .

"Wow" I said
"I wasn't expecting that" matt told me
"Me too haha but it happened we kissed" I told Matt
"Haha yea - yea we did" matt said
"I think this is gonna be a great year spending it with you my kidnapper" I said to matt while kissing him on the lips
"Haha I know it's gonna be the best year Wanna know why" matt told me
"Haha why ?" I said
"Because your with me" matt told me
"Awww matt haha I love you" I said
"Hahaha I love you too" matt said

The car ride was already over , so me and Matt decided to go to a diner and get some food . Matt wasn't those fancy type of guy I'm glad he wasn't , he's those types of guys who will just take you on a date to like in n out , the movies , which I like in a guy . He's a very nice guy .
So after the kiss me and Matt started feeling very close with each other like we cuddle every night when we watch movies at his house , we always blast music in his house every morning once we wake up , like he's like my Prince Charming that was out there somewhere and I finally found him , well he found me .

Tune into chapter 5 .

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