Who are you?

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Third P.O.V
While Ruler along with the blue hair girl along with the saber class servant have been walking they began to get to know each other much better. During this Jeanne heard saber life story because he felt that he could trust the saint of New Orleans and the blue hair girl introduced herself as Darla a mage from this worlds Canada who made a wish that she now wants to make sure is granted.

"So forgive me Darla but you made your wish to bring back someone that saved your life but you did it on another version of that person and brought them here?" Darla nodded her head in ruler question to this and gave the saint a kind smile while saber was on high alert to any possible attack.

"Yes that is correct and I believe that I have to protect this version of my friend because he did in the holy grail war before this greater grail war even started, since that day I made a promise and with saber help I can make sure it succeeds" Darla speaks with a confident tone as she gives a proud smile to this statement and saber rolls his eyes at his master but kept what he had on his mind to himself.

'I honestly still can't believe this girl is my master but she has not wrong me yet so I can't really doubt her yet, but this person she try to bring back is from a different world entirely and is not her version? When we find this person I will judge him if he was worth being brought here and if he isn't I will run my blade through him' saber thinks to himself as the three of them now enter the woods area of Yggdmillennia they hear fighting going on in another part of the woods to which they begin to head that way.

Back to Arlan a few minutes before Jeanne, Darla and Saber enter the woods

'Now let's see it I can clear this up at the moment, while Lancelot had incapacitated Spartacus one of history famous writers of tragedy then arrives and now wants me get out of the war?' This thought runs through Arlan head as he gives a curious look to Shakespeare who has a concern look upon his face.

"My good young man I'm here because we both know your not part of this story, whynt simply leave this place and try to get back to your world from once you came from" the old writer  speaks in a concern voice and Lancelot remains between his master and Spartacus who now tries to get up to attack the other servant but the magic rods don't budge.

"I wish I could old timer but I'm afraid I can't do that because well look at me, I'm not a powerful mage but that don't mean I'm going to throw in the towel" the brown hair male states as he stares down the caster of red who then got a smile on his face at this answer before he reaches into his coat and pulls out something that he throws at Arlan who grabs it before looking at it and then back to the caster in confusion.

"I got a great answer from you young man I wonder how your story will effect our own" the caster turns walking away a bit before he turns back snapping his fingers which then destroy the bindings on Arlan magic on beserker of red freeing him and Shakespeare then vanish.

"Oh boy this is not go-" the brown eye male is cutoff as his servant grabs him before both are sent flying into multiple trees before Lancelot throws the brown hair male to the ground and crashing into a big tree.

"Ow thanks beserker I owe you" The brown hair male cracks his neck a bit before he looks up and a look of utter horror appears on his face at the sight of his servant who has now been impaled on a giant tree through his chest from the back to the front.

"NOOO!" Arlan shouts before he rushes over to his friend/servant who makes his own helmet disappear to show his face to his master who is now at his side with his final moments of life again.

"Master (breathes) your safe (breath) I'm glad your safe I'm (coughs a bit of blood)" Lancelot tells the brown hair glasses wearing male who his now crying at the sight of his own ser- no his own friend die right infront of him and his magic is not strong to keep him here for much longer.

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