The will of saber part 2

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Third P.O.V
After sometime of running away from the remaining golems and the saber servant, Arlan is now catching his breath behind a old tree and is looking at what he grab before he ran into the woods to plan his next move of both surviving and how to earn the servant respect.

"Okay (breathes heavily) I need to work out more (breathes heavily) but I'm not going to die here, I want to at least get to meet Mordred before I get dead" the brown hair male speaks to himself out loud before he makes a spear of ice mix with lightning and he starts to run from behind the tree and he sees a golem closes by, he then jumps into the air and throws it into the golem back and it lost half it side making the rest fall to the ground.

"I swear if I survive this I will need to learn how to properly wield a blade, I wonder what ruler and Darla are doing? Must be busy" the brown eye glasses wearing male keeps talking to himself and begins to look around for the next golem while keeping his eyes open for the saber.

Scene shift to Jeanne and Darla, this is brought to you by

"Darla tell me you must have another reason for being in this greater grail war, because why else would you be here besides a alternative version of your friend? Also how do you still have your servant from the previous grail war you were in?" The...

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"Darla tell me you must have another reason for being in this greater grail war, because why else would you be here besides a alternative version of your friend? Also how do you still have your servant from the previous grail war you were in?" The blonde ruler ask the blue hair girl after they both drop off the saved homunculus with the kind old farmer and the ruler class servant was in casual clothing now, both young woman are on there way back to Cao Cao or blue saber to protect his identity from the two factions.

"Well I was able to have saber with me still because it was part of my wish to bring back my Arlan but somehow I'm now sharing saber with the version him as half of the master, also I want to be able to help both Saber and Arlan get along because if I know one thing is that brown eye pal of mine was stubborn during our grail war" Darla tells ruler out loud before getting a sad look upon her face at the memory of the grail war she was in and how her version of the brown eye glasses wearing male died and a tear ran down her face from this.

Jeanne is sees the girl sadden face at this and thinks of the vision she got for Sieg death but another one is also plaguing her mind, from what she can understand a person wielding a blade of some kind took a deadly attack from a servant and defended another servant from it.

The blonde ruler shakes her head to get the image out of it and she starts to think of the blue saber or Cao Cao as was his name in life, for some reason the blonde ruler heart began to speed up from this and she got a bit of a blush on her face from it. Darla regains herself from her sad memory and looks at Jeanne to see her blushing, she then get a idea in her head from this and smirks.

"So are you and Saber going to get marry along with having kids after this greater grail war? If you are I demand one be named after me and Arlan" The blue hair girl demand/teases the saint of the flag and gets a blush on Jeanne face from this, to which the blue hair girl began to laugh and jog away from the ruler at a fast pace.

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