The truth has its way of coming out

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Third P.O.V

At the river close to the fight between Cao Cao and Arlan we see the saber servant with a makeshift fishing rod in his hand as he waits for a fish to take the bait from the hook.

Doing this often help the saber class servant calm himself and be at ease with all that's going on at the moment from travelling with Darla since the last grail war they were involved in to travelling everywhere on foot or hitchhiking rides with those willing to give them ones.

With Darla giving her servant/friend room to himself the blonde saint of the flag remain in her battle attire but left her pole with the blue hair young woman, Jeanne found Cao at the river of were he is fishing and she kept a gaze upon him for a bit before she decide to approach him.

"Why? What reason did you have for striking at Arlan?" Was the first few words utter out of Jeanne mouth as she sat next to him watching him fish and he kept his gaze upon the stream filled with the very thing he desire to catch.

"Why try and kill him? I thought I told you that he-" "your wrong Ruler, me and that fool aren't the same whatsoever" the saber cut the blonde off before he turn to look at her with a calm look upon his face.

Jeanne was surprise to hear that and so the saber continued "He is just a plain and simple man, without the idea of the harshness of war. Meanwhile, I....I faced many times, the constant frustration of losing those I consider family and friends to the lost of flames of war, as to the many I was betrayed as it wasn't bad enough... being called a villian for keeping the han together..."

"I shall endure all of that, just by listening..." "my efforts were all in vain.... so saints of the flag, I don't care about anyone situation, nor do I care how much will they have to complete those challenges they set for themselves. I only judge those upon the capability, of those who can truly back up there words. That is the reason I battle that person who claims to ten my other master"

After hearing him speak his peace the blonde battle saint gets a warm smile upon her face from hearing these words he speaks and the saber servant gets a confuse look upon his face from it, but within his mind he thinks it's very cute but he wouldn't outright admit it.

"What's with that smiling like that!? Are you daring to mock me!?" Exclaim the saber servant and this causes the ruler servant to giggle at his response before she answer him.

"I understand your a good person despite acting in this manner" Reply the blonde ruler servant in calm and gentle voice that sounded so heavenly to the old swordsman from long ago.

This time the saber had a even more confuse look upon his face along within his eyes that Jeanne is staring into before he responded in a confuse tone.

"What do you mean?" The saber reply to her while keeping his gaze on her while still trying to catch a fish with his makeshift rod in hand and still trying to understand what she means.

"Your afraid to lose anymore people that matter to you and you don't want to go through that pain ever again, isn't that right?" The blonde response to the saber servant who was now that one to be caught off guard by this from the ruler servant.

"D-Do not be foolish!! Wh-why would something pitiful concern myself!?" Cao Cao exclaims while he dare not look the blonde ruler in her eyes with a bow blushing red face all over him.

"Your concern that this version of Arlan will fail to live up to the very words he claim to, as the other Arlan died without you being to do anything, that's reason why you battle him you wanted to see with your very own eyes if he could possible survive this holy grail war, but if he failed you would have taken him out so he wouldn't be within any danger" Jeanne states this as to understanding Cao Cao true actions and from this the saber now feels like he could just kill himself to hid from his own shame.

Warrior heart (fate/aprocrypha fiore x male oc)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum