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"So what's your plans for today" Antonio whispered sitting next to me

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"So what's your plans for today" Antonio whispered sitting next to me.

"my big sisters are dragging me out tonight, but after class i might just sit home and continue fixing my house up" i said dramatically

"well maybe i could come and help" he raised an eye brow

"Um Antonio, NO.. now shut up before we get in trouble" i laughed focusing my attention back on the board where my professor played a short document of starting a business.

Antonio has been trying to get with me since freshman year, i just can't bring it to myself to date a lightskin man, No offense , but he's real bright in the face. I like my men brown skin or dark truthfully and honestly i was far from looking for any relationships , i haven't had one since High School.

My ex Brandon he was a complete asshole. We were together for 3 years before i found out he cheated on me with 3 different girls in our school. I was just blinded by love i never really wanted to believe he was doing all that dirt, so every time i'd hear things all i would do is listen to him feed me lies that i would believe, until i caught him in action at Prom Night after party, the worst day of my life. I had walked into a Kendall's bedroom pissy drunk needing to lay down and found my boyfriend having sex with the number one girl in high school who hated me, at that point i knew it was over, i was heart broken and knew i'd never love again.

I already had a hard time trusting men knowing my dad left my life at a early age and just let us fall into the system, don't get me wrong i'm so thankful for my parents who raised me but how could a man who's your biological father leave you and your sister after your mom just died? how does that make you a man? how could you live life that way and just never look back for us? Yeah it's quite awful but honestly life goes on and now i've realized that i never really needed him with the great father i have now and i wouldn't trade him for the world and i strongly mean that , Willard Smith was the man who if i'd ever find love again i'd find someone like him who loves me like he loves my mother. It was beautiful black love and i couldn't wait but i could if it makes sense.

"OK class we are done for today, i'll see you next week, i'll post up your assignments tonight at 6pm. There will be an essay that will be due in 4 weeks, i'll post it up on dash board later on tonight. Have a great day everyone" i was knocked out of my thoughts by my professor announcing class was over

i gathered all my books i had on the table and placed them into my LV tote and headed towards the front door like everyone else.

"Destiny may i have a talk with you please" my professor said making me nervous as hell.

not to be one of those girls but my professor sure was fine as hell. He had almost all the other teachers in this school on his heels and i mean from every hall, and this was a big ass school.

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