Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: Master Piandao

Makki |~|

"It's so beautiful," I awed at the meteor shower that rained above us.

Lucky for us, through our adventures in the land of the Fire Nation, we got to see the wonderful sight of endless shooting stars above us.

"Wow, this is amazing to watch," said Katara.

"Kinda makes you realize how insignificant we are," said Sokka.

"Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times," Toph shrugged.

One meteor twinkled brightly as it started to head toward us.

"You've never not seen anything like this," said Sokka.

We stared in awe as the meteor soared above our heads and landed some ways away. Watched as a fire erupted around the meteor and we all looked at each other, knowing that we had to check it out. When we arrived at the fire, we noticed that there was a town pretty close by.

"The fire is gonna destroy that town," said Katara.

"Not if we can stop it," said Aang as Appa landed.

"There's a creak over here," Katara pointed as she took Appa's reins. "Makki and I will bend the water on to the fire."

Everyone except me and Katara hopped off of Appa before Katara whipped his reins. As Appa dipped down just above the creak, Katara and I each bended a large amount of water which we quickly splashed onto the fire. We returned to the creak one last time to give Aang some water that he could use with his air bending to create a dome of air and water. When the fire cleared, we were left with snowing ash.

"Good work, everybody," Aang smiled as Katara landed Appa.


The next day, we all ran into the nearby town, not just for food, but also to see if anyone knew about the meteor fire.

"These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night," Aang said as he joined, me, Katara, and Toph at a table to eat.

"Yeah, the worst thing about being in disguise is we don't get the hero-worship anymore," said Toph. "I miss the love."

"Boo-hoo, poor heroes," Sokka sulked.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "You haven't even touched your smoked sea slug. You love meat..!"

"It's just, all you guys can do this awesome bending stuff like putting out forest fires, and flying around, and making other stuff fly around," said Sokka. "I can't fly around, okay? I can't do anything."

"That's not true," said Katara. "No one can read a map like you."

"I can't read at all," said Toph.

"Yeah, and who keeps us laughing with sarcastic comments all the time?" said Aang. "I mean, look at Katara's hair, right? What's up with that?"

"What? What's wrong with my hair?" Katara blushed.

"Nothing, I was just trying to..."

"Look, I appreciate the effort, but the fact is each of you is so amazing and so special, and I'm not," Sokka said sadly. "I'm just the guy in the group who's regular."

Katara and I looked at each other before getting up and joining our brother.

"Sokka," I began. "So what if you're normal? I think the fact that you can't bend makes you strong. You've had to fight with your pure strength and will. If I couldn't bend, there's no way I'd be able to fight. And you fight all the time with no problem."

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