Chapter 1: Awkward Teens

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I was sitting in the lounge of Avengers Tower talking with Director Fury about me continuing missions though keeping my civilian life. He had cleared up everything with the NYPD and my parents about my abrupt and sudden 'disappearance'. The cover story was that I was kidnapped but Shield then found me and took the kidnappers into custody, though the real story was more than that.

But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Estelle Jackson, and I'm a mortal who had an interest in Wicca and soon Hecate, the Greek goddess of witchcraft, had blessed me. Nick Fury found me and told me that my older sister, Persephone, was alive after faking her death five years ago, that's when I joined Shield.

Now I had to return to my normal civilian life and hide Shield from my parents. Don't get me wrong I love my mom and dad, but I don't need them breathing down my neck about my survival when it comes to all of this, and... after Percy had faked her death, mom kind of went off of the rails.

Fury finished debriefing me and I decided to go to the roof and visit my sister. You see, after Persephone faked her death, she moved on, joined Shield, had kids, joined the Avengers, and then got married to Loki, the Norse god of Mischief. They decided to dedicate their lives to protecting people like them, the lost and forgotten so they created their own realm. The Hidden Realm.  I helped them out with most of the recruitment so I had a transporter with me at all times, I could go in between my homeworld and the Hidden World.

I clicked the buttons and closed my eyes. When I opened them I was in the welcome area of the Hidden Realm, I walked to the main city and decided to grab some food on the way. Many of the big-name companies are headed by children of Hermes and Mercury so now the Hidden Realm has many of our normal world's stores and restaurants.

As I was walking with my Taco Bell and was about to turn the corner when someone crashed into me. It was a guy about my age with curly brown hair and matching eyes, "Um... sorry. I'm in a hurry!"

"It's fine Mr..."

"Um... call me Peter!" The kid said as he was running away. I just wiped the shredded cheese off of my hoodie and wisphered, "I'm Stell."

After that odd encounter I finished my crunchwrap  and discarded the wrapper. It was taking me longer to get to my sister's place because I took the scenic route. I decided to walk through the courtyard of  Willow University, I always liked walking through the courtyard. You could hear the students talking about classes, but still hear the birds singing, you could smell the rose bushes but also the coffee coming from the cafe across the street. In my opinion the best part is the flags, the courtyard is surrounded in flags from every country, as well as every pride flag imaginable. When people say this place accepts you, it accepts you. I was about to walk the steps to my sisters office when I heard someone yell my name.


I was pulled onto the grass by said person and was subjected to a fierce tickle attack. When the attack subsided I opened my eyes to see Travis Stoll and Calypso standing behind him. Yes, there are some demigods from the camps here, mainly the ones who were able to fend off Aphrodite's spell for one reason or another. "Travis Liam Stoll! What have I told you about sneaking up on me!"

"To not to... but I saw the chance and I took it Stell." The boy said in a fake sad tone. I got up and hugged Calypso. "What are you even doing in Willow?"

"Just came to say hi to Perce. I have to go back to my parents later today so my visits will get slim." I told them, pulling the pieces of grass from my hair. "It's good to see you two."

Now, I'm not implying that Travis Stoll was dating the great Calypso. No not at all. They're just roommates, Katie and Leo were both still at the Camps and hadn't been able to fight off Aphrodite. But, Travis and Cal are very good friends.

We continued to talk for a few minutes until the clock tower sounded, meaning it was 10:00 am. Travis looked at it in surprise and then shocked, "Oh crap! I have to get to my biology lecture! See ya Cal, Stell!" Travis said to us and then ran off towards the science building. I turned back to Calypso who pushed the glasses up on the small nose, yes even daughters of titan's still need glasses.

"You need to go?" I asked her sadly.

She nodded, "I should probably start heading towards the psychology building, I have a midterm in half an hour."

"You know, you're starting to sound like a regular college kid and not an immortal who was trapped on an island for four thousand years." I said laughingly, "It's okay. Go ace that midterm, I'll see you around."

"Bye Stell. Tell Persephone I said hi." She said waving as she walked away. I just waved back until she joined the crowd of other kids. I looked at the ground and smiled slightly, Travis and Calypso were my two closest friends in Willow, that's what we called the university side of the Realm. I looked back at the steps to my sister's office and walked up them and into the building.

On my way I passed two kids, around thirteen one with blonde hair, the other had their hair dyed a rainbow of colors, "Hi Aunt Stella!"

"Hi Ethan, Zoë is your mom in?" I ask the twins who looked like they were just about to go on a mission. It was a common occurrence for the Jackson children. They nodded at my question and looked upward to the second story landing. Ethan stood on the first step and yelled upward.

"Phe! Hurry up!"

Phe, Short for Phoenix Lokisdottir, Loki and Persephone's only daughter. I heard manic footsteps come down stairs followed by a quiet and sweet, "I'm going as fast as I can." Then saw the young girl come off of the stairs. She was a frail and quiet child, she had slick black hair and icy blue eyes, though behind that facade was a powerful fury. "Oh, hi Auntie Estelle."

"Hello Phoenix. It's good to see you, I wish I could talk longer but I need to go see you three's mother." I said, giving the three of them a small hug, careful as to not mess with the daggers strapped to Phoenix's thighs. They then walked off, most likely to go save some lives, they were so grown up. They all learned their magic at a young age, thankfully they were able to unlock the ability to change their age. Ethan and Zoë were five but looked thirteen, Phoenix was two but looked ten, mainly because of her Asgardian father. "Estelle?"

I was pulled from my thoughts and looked to the second story landing to see my older sister standing there in boho maxi dress. "Hi, Perce. Can we talk?"


"So you're going to live with Sally and Paul again?" She asked me as she handed me a cup of  jasmine tea. I just nodded while taking a sip of my sister's amazing tea. She just looked at me confused, "What's on your shirt?"

I looked down to see a white stain on my navy blue shirt. "Damn. I had taco bell on the way over and someone knocked right into me, it must be vegan sour cream." I said grabbing a napkin and trying, with no avail to get it off.


My sister then waved her hand and the stain was gone. "Thanks."

"Did you catch the name of the person who knocked into you?" She asked me, taking the napkin back. I nodded.


"Oh, that must be Peter Parker. He is new around here, Mr. Parker isn't a full-time resident, only a way-stationer from Queens. Don't worry about him."

"Well that's reassuring." I said sarcastically, way-stationers were the people who didn't stay here full time.

After that we continued to talk for a while until I heard the clocktower outside tell us that it was noon. I had to be at my mom's by 1:00. I said my goodbyes and left to go see my mom and dad for the first time in almost six months. I used my transporter and opened my eyes to see the familiar door of the Blofis family apartment. I knocked on the door and within two nanoseconds my mom and dad were hugging me and crying about how they missed me. I just summed it up to a few words.

"Hi, I'm home."

~Hidden Realms~  AGENT SALEMМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя