Chapter 12: King of Giants

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Estelle, Connor, and Ace all arrived in Vanaheim. It was Estelle's first time travelling by Bifrost so she was very disoriented. It was nothing like travelling to Willow. They walked up a small hill and noticed that they had appeared on a cliff, overlooking the castle.

The castle that was supposed to belong to Connor's family, though currently it was being occupied by Aurgelmir (R-Gel-Mer... you're welcome), the king of the giants. They began their trek to the castle, running into Magnus's group on the way. Estelle just told them to head back to earth and help out there. They could handle this.

The group found themselves at the front gates of the castle in no time at all, they entered and immediately went to the throne room. They knew Aurgelmir was waiting for them, so they weren't hiding. When the three of them got to the doors of the throne room Estelle summoned her daggers, Ace prepared his whip and Connor notched an arrow as Estelle blasted the doors open.

Aurgelmir was sitting on the throne of Vanaheim staring at the three powered teens who just walked into the castle. Connor raised his bow and switched to his alf form, "Get. Off. My. Father's. Throne."

"Prince Connor Wayland, son of King Herald... Agent Estelle Jackson, prodigy of Hecate... Ace Finley, son of Aegir."

"You heard him. Get the hell off the throne... it's not yours." Ace said to the king of the giants, summoning a small stream of water to circle his whip, trying, and mainly failing, to intimidate the giant man.

Aurgelmir conceded and rose off of the throne and grabbed his spear from the ground beside it. "Your people have failed for decades to defeat me... what makes you think you will win now?"

"Honestly, I have no idea... but... we do have her."

Estelle leapt into the air towards Aurgelmir, channeling the energy around her into a giant blast into Aurgelmir, Ace and Connor even had to cover their eyes from the light coming from the blast. Estelle rose from where she landed, purple and gold waves of  her with her eyes glowing. She turned towards the two other teens, "Are you gonna join in? Or are you going to just stand there?"

Ace and Connor were ripped from their stupor and smirked running into the fight as Aurgelmir recovered from the blast. Connor shot two arrows at the same time, both hitting Aurgelmir in the arms, Estelle used her power to move his hands back against the wall, as if in chains, and she was trying to break them. Ace jumped up onto the back of the giants neck and was using his powers to try and drain Aurgelmir of his blood, to make the kill easier.

"You are so much like your father..." the giant wheezed. Ace's eyes went wide.

"I am nothing like that monster."

"Oh... but you are. I remember when Aegir tried to kill me, the same way you are now. When I look at you I see... my son." Aurgelmir lost consciousness, he only had about three liters of blood left. Ace let up a bit on his powers... Aurgelmir is his grandfather, he can't be that monster... no he isn't a giant... but... he has giant blood in his veins.

"Ace! Come on man, I don't think Stell can keep him restrained for long!" Connor called from the giants back. Ace looked back and saw Connor stabilizing Estelle, she was barely holding onto consciousness, after using so much power in a short time she was weak. "ACE!"

The redhead looked back at Aurgelmir, he was awake.

"Oh shi-" The three of them were all thrown from the giant as Aurgelmir stood and laughed maniacally. Ace looked from his spot on the floor to see Connor trying to cover an unconscious Estelle as the giant king stalked toward them.

"You really thought you could defeat me because of some puny blessed mortal... Pathetic."

Ace held the swirling ball of Aurgelmir's blood... he was weak, Ace could tell. Ace held the ball of crimson and continued to drain Aurgelmir's blood without him noticing, it was easier with the open wounds from Connor's arrows. He started to stand.

"Hey Gramps!"

The giant turned as the ball of crimson began to fill with the remaining blood. Aurgelmir turned completely towards the scotsman and started moving toward him. Thankfully for Ace the giant was very slow due to his size so he had just enough time to completely drain him.

"Done, Connor catch!" Ace threw the ball of blood to Connor, who caught it as Ace summoned all of the water from the fjord just outside the castle and shot a blast of sea water straight through the giant's chest.

Once the blast was complete the entire room and everyone in it was soaked. The body of Aurgelmir fell to the ground and started to disintegrate into ash. Connor handed the ball of blood back to the, now very exhausted Ace. "Go back to Hel, monster."

Connor used his powers over wind to collect the ash and put it in a container sealed with a very powerful spell. Ace carried both the containers of giant ash and blood while Connor stabilized Estelle as they walked out of the castle, Connor raised his hand to the sky and moved the cloud that had been blocking the sun for twenty years. Alerting the people that Aurgelmir and the giants were no more.

The people of Vanaheim watched from their homes, hidden in the woods, as three teenagers, one their prince, one half-giant, and one mortal walked out of the castle walls and towards the bifrost entrance of the realm.

The war was over.

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