Chapter 9: Workaholic

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*2 months later*

I have been living with Tony and the Avengers for two months. Though, it's not like I ever see them. I'm always either working in my lab or out on missions for Hecate. Some would say I'm pushing myself too hard, or that I'm a workaholic but I say that I'm just doing my job. I am currently doing my job, I'm in my lab with the speakers blaring while I weld a piece together for a portal between Realms. "-Ella! Stella! Estelle!" I heard someone calling my name so I told Luke to stop the music and I turned off my welder. I turn around to see Tony with a look of worry on his face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" I tell him talking off my goggles and he grimaces.

"Stell, you've been pushing yourself past the limit. I've had Jarvis monitoring you. You haven't slept in 72 hours, you've been living off of coffee and rockstars, you keep going on mission after mission with no break, I know for a fact that you haven't eaten in days, Stell you look like you're about to die! Please sleep! Eat! Rest! Or I will force you to." He tells me counting on his fingers all of the things. "At least just have a cup of water."

"Fine. I will drink a bottle of water if it makes you a happy helicopter in-law." I tell him annoyed. Wow, I really sound like a teenager. Tony tossed me a water bottle and I opened it slowly and dramatically to make him feel relieved. I take a long drink and my body realizes how much my body needed it so I decide to down the whole bottle without a second thought. "Are you happy now?"


I turn back to my work and go to put my goggles back on though I don't hear Tony leave. I turn back to the billionaire but movements go sluggish. My vision goes blurry and I can feel my eyelids start to feel heavy. "Damn... you... Stark..."

I see a Tony shaped blob come into my vision and I fall onto him, everything sounds like it's underwater though I can still hear Tony say, "Trust me. You will thank me after a nap."


My eyelids feel heavy but I'm still able to pry them open, I'm looking at a ceiling and soon realize that I'm in my room at Avengers Tower. I slowly collect enough energy to sit up and I see my tormenter, Tony Stark, sitting in a chair next to me. "You... asshole." I tell him through a yawn.

"You're welcome... and here." He handed me a chick fil a bag.

"Not hungry." My stomach said otherwise with the loudest growl I have ever heard. "Fine." I grabbed the bag and started to eat, with a mouthful of fries I asked, "How long have I been out?" 

"Three days." Tony said before running out of the room so I couldn't smack him.


After eating I decided to go on a walk for the first time in two months. I walked around Central Park listening to nature and being blinded by the sun. I heard rustling in the bush next to me so I grabbed my dagger and stopped. I realized that this is almost identical to when I met Mika as Fenrir. I feel a small smile on my face as I push back the branches.

I see a mop of brown hair and I feel a familiar wolf-like energy. I can feel myself start to cry.

"M... Mika?"

She turned to me and I saw the coal black eyes that I love so much, "Stella! I've been looking for you for the past three days! Where have you been?"

Three days? Damn it!

"I'm officially going to kill Tony Stark."

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