Chapter 2: Three New Kids

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Estelle above^^^ Picture generated by the app Recolor but colored and turned into Estelle by me!

Today was my first day of my sophomore year. Yay, note the sarcasm. I was awoken by mom who made me breakfast in bed, I had been home for about a week now and they are still treating me like a person who just got out of the hospital. I mean, it was nice to have breakfast in bed but still it was starting to get annoying.

I got up and got ready to go then went down stairs where dad was going to drive me to school, I was fine with taking the metro or walking but he insisted we go in his beat-up old prius. Once we got within a quarter-mile of the school I told him he could just let me out there and thankfully he noticed the plight of a teenager and did in fact let me out right there.

I walked the rest of the way to school and went inside to my locker, it was my same locker from last year and it still had my missing poster on it, that was back when I had long hair, now I had a pixie cut with the top being long enough to put in a bun. When I took the missing poster off of the locker I got some weird looks from the people in the hall but then I turned to them and put the picture next to my face and they realized that I wasn't missing anymore. I placed my textbooks for later in the day inside my locker and closed it making sure it was locked. I then heard two people at the locker a few down from me talking about star wars, so like the nosy person I am I decided to enter the conversation. To my bewilderment it was the same boy who ran into me in the Realm.

"Well, I'm be damned. Peter Parker." I said leaning against my locker, the two looked over at me and Peter looked confused.

"Um, do I know you?" He asked closing his locker. I nodded.

"You should. Knocked into me about a week ago just outside of Willow." I said, making an emphasis on Willow so he will get what I'm talking about. He continued to look confused then it finally dawned on him, "Finally remembering now?"

"Yeah, um... sorry about that. I'm Peter... um you already knew that um," He said, stuttering. I just giggled a little and held out my hand for him to shake.

"Estelle Blofis. Call me Stell." Peter then shook my hand and looked stunned. His friend then walked away to go do something with robotics.

"Estelle as in Salem?" Peter asked me, stunned, I nodded. Salem was the name I used in the Hidden Realm for official things like recruitment. "Woah. That's so cool."

"Okay then, well, I have to get to Chemistry but I'll see you are Peter." I said and started to walk away towards my chemistry class. I, sadly, was one of the last people there so there weren't many seats left. I decided to sit in the back next to a guy with black hair dyed purple and teal on the ends, he was wearing a D&D shirt with a green flannel on top. "Is this seat taken?"

"Nope." He said in a quiet tone, he reminded me of Phoenix for some reason. I sat down and pulled out a notebook and pencil to write down the supplies I would need to buy after school. The guy turned to me and held out his hand, "I'm Connor Wayland by the way. I think these seats are permanent for the semester so I just wanted to get that out of the way."

I shook his hand, "Estelle Blofis. Call me Stell."

The teacher started class and that was the only thing we said to each other. That was until class ended. I stood up to leave when Connor said something to me.

"Um, I have these two cousins that also go here, if you want, during lunch. That is if you don't have other friends, you could um, sit with us." He told me. I just smiled and nodded as I left to head to my English class.


When lunch came around I decided that I would take Connor up on his offer when I saw him sitting with two other people in the cafeteria. I tightened my grip on my lunch box and started to walk over there. "Hey Connor." I said as I got closer. I could see the two other people now, the other guy had dark red, almost brown hair and green eyes, he radiated the 'I'm a bad boy, don't mess with me' vibe. The other was a girl with light brown hair, cut in a bob, with hazel eyes, she seemed nice, but also a little creepy.

"Oh, hi Stell. These are my cousins." Connor said, motioning for the two people to introduce themselves.

"Ace Finley. Nice to meet ya." The redhead said, in what sounded like a scottish accent. Okay, wasn't expecting that.

"Mika Elliot." The girl said, with an American accent.

I sat down next to Connor, across from Mika. I just opened my lunch box and grabbed my salad. "That's not real food." I heard Ace say as he pointed to my salad. I just laughed softly.

"It is if you're a vegan." I said, rolling my eyes.

Mika laughed at that and for some reason that made me smile. I don't know why, usually I don't automatically smile when someone laughs. I just assumed it was a normal human response.

I don't know, all I know is that I have made some friends.

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