Chapter 7: Glass of Mead

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Luke got me to Freya's apartment and jumped out of the car before it was parked because I was very scared of what could have happened. I got up to the door and knocked like a crazy person until Mika answered and I hugged her. I didn't care at that point I just hugged her and thankfully it wasn't awkward because she hugged back. "What happened? When you hung up I got scared that you could have been dead or-"

"Stell we're all fine. We just have some bad news." She said in a whisper. I released her from my spine-crushing hug and we all sat on the couch. "So, Freya has gotten word from some messengers between the realms that things in our homeworld are looking very grim."

"If you need my help or the Avengers you know that we will join-" I started but Freya cut me off.

"Connor's older brother has been murdered. Mika's mother has fallen deathly ill. Without the Alf and Fenris tribes and their leaders, the wall between worlds will crumble and the giants will invade this world."

I just sat there wondering the possibilities of giants invading Earth, would the Avengers be able to stop them? Would Percy? "So what does this mean for you?" I say asking the entire group but I was only looking at Mika. I can't let the one I love die.

"Connor and I will have to return home to help our people. If my mother dies from this I will be crowned queen, Connor is now next in line for the throne so he will need to go into training for it... I'm sorry Stella." Mika said, sadly and she grabbed my hand when I accidentally let a small tear fall. Though no one else saw it. I just looked up and everyone surrounding me.

"How long until you leave?" I asked in a small voice.

"Three days." Connor responded, sounding as sad as I was. Ace started to stand, "You look dead. I'm going to get you some water."

"Thanks Ace." I said, trying not to let more tears fall. Mika was going to leave, and to fight a war of all things. I closed my eyes and just sat there taking deep breaths.

"What the Hel?!" I heard Ace scream, Mika, Connor, Freya, and I all stood immediately and ran into the kitchen. Ace had a look of shock on his face and a cup of water was on the ground with water around it. "I swear it was water five seconds ago."

Freya bent down and examined the liquid around the glass. "That's mead."

"Who could Ace turn water into mead?!" Connor asked, confused like the rest of us. Freya stood once again and gave Ace a hug.

When she released her hands were still on  his shoulders, "Ace... I think it's time I tell you something about your father."

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