Chapter 10: Reunion

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"Mika where have you been?! I mean I know that you were in Vanaheim but still!" I said frantically as we were walking down the street. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. My mom was able to pull through so I won't have to be crowned queen of the Fenris clan until I come of age, Connor has gone through all of the training needed to take his father's place and we return with news. The Giants have created an army strong enough to take Midgard, we have word that the attack is coming in one week's time. I need your help Stella." She turns to face me and we stop walking, I notice that we're in front of her apartment building.

"Of course I will help you Mika." I said grabbing her hand in a kind of 'we're friends but you know we like each other' way. She nodded thanking me and we went inside and up to Freya's apartment. She opened the door and I saw Connor and Freya standing there. I instantly hugged them and told them that I missed them. We separated and I asked them, "Is Ace with you?"

"He isn't with you?!" Freya asked.

I just shook my head, "He's been MIA since the day you told us about his heritage, hasn't even been seen on security cameras. Trust me, I've been looking."

"I have no doubt about that, I just thought that he would turn up by now." Freya told me, starting to get worried. I just calmed her down and said that he would turn up eventually. We sat on the couch and had some drinks while talking about what we're going to do when the Giants attack.

We made a plan and I was going to stick to my part in it. Even if in one week we are dead on the ground I will still stick to the plan. I left their place and was going to go to Willow to try and get a few people to fight with us. I started walking down the sidewalk towards the Avengers Tower when I heard the door to the building frantically open and close. "Estelle!"

It was Mika.

"Can I come with you?" She asked me nervously, not saying I wasn't sweating bullets as well. I opened my mouth to say something and thought against it so I just nodded and smiled. She bolted down the stairs and we started towards the Tower together.


"Welcome to the Hidden Realm." I told Mika as she was stunned by the Realm. "You'll catch flies. Come on, let's try and get to Willow before dark."

"Willow?" She asked, running to catch up to me.

"The University side of the Realm. I have friends over there who could probably help."


I heard them before I even got to the dorm room door.

"I cannot believe you went to that party!"

"Look, college is supposed to be fun!"

"YOU'RE DRUNK! Tobias basically had to pull you off of Virginia!"

"It's not my fault she's the daughter of a love god! She's naturally attractive!"



"Hey guys... everything okay?" I asked the two roommates before things got ugly. I stepped into the dorm with Mika in the doorway behind me. "Let me guess Travis got drunk at one of Virginia's parties again."

"Yep." Calypso said, rubbing her eyes. "But, hey Stell what's up."

"Oh, nothing... just asking for help because Earth is going to be destroyed in about a week." I said very nonchalantly watching their eyes go as wide as dinner plates. "Yeah... nothing big."

"Where?" Travis askes sobering up for once.

"Where do you think?"

"...Manhattan." Calypso said, annoyed. They couldn't be seen helping someone like me, if Aphrodite gets word she will make their lives a living hell. "We can wear masks. Be on the sides."

"Thanks" I told them I turned back and remembered that Mika was behind me. "Um, Mika, this is my friends Travis, son of Hermes and Calypso, half-titan, daughter of Atlas. Travis, Cal, this is Mika, she's from Vanaheim."

"I'm a Fenris..." Travis and Cal looked very confused, "Basically I'm a werewolf."

"Oh, that's so cool!" Travis said going back to his drunken state.

"So you in or not?" Mika asked, avoiding Travis's giddy joy.

"Hell yeah!"

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