Chapter 6: Internship

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*Two weeks later*

I was working in my lab at Avengers Tower, yes I had a lab, and I was working on a new map of the realms. Ever since I found out about Mika, Connor, and Ace being from another realm I've been trying to find out how many there are and where they fall in the grand scheme of things. So far I've only found two other realms.

If I wasn't at school or on a mission, you could most likely find me in my lab. It was amazing, Three of the walls were glass, one being a giant window overlooking Manhattan, and the other was exposed brick that I usually used to do my spray painting on, currently it was a mural of the realms with Earth and and the rest of Yggdrasil in the middle. I had LED lights around the perimeter of the ceiling and holograms everywhere showing my different projects. Officially I was the head of Tony Stark's newest project known as 'Project Olympus' AKA 'The secret project for taking down Aphrodite' though no one else knew except for the Avengers.

Though, sadly I had forgotten about the fact that my class actually had a field trip today to Avengers Tower, and I didn't remember until I heard Tony walking this way telling them about this area of the building.

"This is what I like to call the Lab Lounge. This floor is primarily made up of some personal labs for some of my colleagues, over in that corner is Dr. Bruce Banner's lab, over there is the lab joint lab for two friends of mine, Harley and Riri, and here-" Tony Stark stood in front of a glass wall that showed an LED lit room with holograms and a wall covered in spray paint. "-is the personal lab of one of my amazing engineers, you may know her. Estelle! You wanna come out here and explain what you do!"

I cringed at him pointing out my lab. I turned towards the glass wall with Tony giving a pleading look almost saying, 'Please I need a break from these kids.' I put my purple colored goggles on my forehead and walked out of my lab wanting to make a statement, "Anthony Chase Stark I swear to god. You just had to gaslight me?"

My entire class was staring at me in disbelief. I had just told off Tony Stark, no biggie. "Everyone, this is Estelle Jackson, my lead engineer for the Olympus Project." Tony told them pointing to me, still just standing on the steps leading to my lab. I just waved at them awkwardly.

"Tony if you could wrap this up. Clint is coming down here soon to get some upgrades."

Flash Thompson just raised his hand, "Wait, like Clint Barton, like Hawkeye! You work with the Avengers?!?"

"Yeah, I design their upgraded weapons and suits. I have Barton coming down here soon to get some upgrades with his arrows and tomorrow I'm supposed to have new pistols ready for Romanov, so I need to get back to work." I said annoyed. At that exact moment Clint decided to jump from the vents and tuck-n-roll over to my stairs.

"Hey Stella!" He said to me as I moved to let him into my lab. I made a gesture to say, 'Go away' and the group of kids thankfully did so. I walked into my lab and grabbed a small box and handed it to Clint.

"Here, you put them in just like your old ones but now they shouldn't glitch as much." Clint opened the box  to reveal two hearing aids. I had said arrows to the group because Clint's hearing loss was one of the biggest secrets of the Avengers. He took out his old ones and placed the new ones inside.

"Thanks Stella."

I just nodded and turned to my phone that had just vibrated, indicating that someone was calling me. I put the phone to my ear and said, "Jackson speaking."

"Stell It's me!"

"Mika? What's wrong?" I asked worried at her tone, I already grabbed my hoodie and was about to leave my lab and head straight for my car.

"It's... I can't explain over the phone. Just get to Freya's as soon as you can. Something's wrong."

"Mika explain... Mika? Mika!" She had hung up on me, "Dammit what's going on!" I pressed a button on my glasses that put me through to the intercom over where Tony and the group was now.

"Tony I'm leaving early. Code FJB." I said into it, hearing my own voice over the intercom a few halls over.

I ran out of the tower and over to my car I couldn't drive but Tony gave me a personal A.I. system in my lab and car, "Luke, get me to Freya's on the double."

"You got it Stell." The A.I. responded. I just sat in the car on my phone and texting Mika, Ace, and Connor.

No response from any of them.

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