• your smile pt. 2 •

601 13 3

🔞 sexual words
🔞 sexual scenes


okay, uhm, what do you want to do now?", i asked him sipping my hot coffee.

" getting to know each other?", he offered, sipping his coffee.

"uh, that's a good idea, okay let's start", i smile at him.

" where's your parents?", i asked him like we're close.

"they send me here, they are not supporting me on my passion, they said, that it can't help me to grow, it's just a waste of time, so i'm here.. pursuing my dream and passion", he said, resting his back on the couch.

" oh, sad to here, about me.. this is our house, but my parents passed away 3 years ago, in a car accident, so i'm living in this big house alone", i said sadly, remembering my parents who died.

"sorry to hear that, y/n, how about your friends?", he asked.

" i don't have any, i don't like to socialize with the other people since my 'friends' left me, when i feel down and depress, so i just decided to be an introvert person, how 'bout you?", i explained.

" same, i have a socio-phobia, it's my attitude to answer other people sarcastically or savagely, if their answers are common sense, simple and mostly if it is stupid", he answered.

♔︎ Min Yoongi | 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now