● confession ●

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Y/n and Yoongi were classmates since in middle school, they weren't close also, they aren't talking to each other.
Y/n is a smart girl but introvert, she's like Yoongi.

she always steal a glance to him, she always watch his every movements he made, because it really motivates her.

everytime and everyday she always do that, honestly, he's the reason why her grades are high and she always do her best, Yoongi seldomly smile, because he always just wear his blank and sleepy face and when the time will come that he will smile, Y/n will sneak out her phone and take a shot of him, smiling.

she never confess, she have no guts to confess.

looking Yoongi who is happy, she's also happy, that's her happiness.


"Y/n-ah, let's go now, it's our reunion!", my close friend and also my long time classmate, Ji Hun, called.

yeah right, our middle school reunion.

"wait, let me check myself first", I said and look at myself on the mirror, I smile and sigh before I lock the door behind me.

Ji Hun drive the car and I sit on the passenger seat, It wasn't awkward for the both of us, because the ride were always like this.

"we're here!", Ji Hun said as she stop her car on the parking area.

I'm so nervous.

"are you nervous? don't be", Ji Hun assured me that everything will be fine and okay.

"just be yourself now, do not show them that you are still the second introvert person in our room", Ji Hun teased and emphasize the word 'second introvert person'.

oh, who's the first one?
damn, it's Min Yoongi, my crush since then, until now.

"Yoongi will be there also", Ji Hun whispered in my ear, hearing his name made me go crazy and more nervous.

"y-yah! Ji Hun, stop!", I said and played a punch on her left arm, she pretended that it hurts even if it is not, I just rolled my eyes and we both enter the venue.

I am clinging to her when our classmate named Shane scream and hug her tightly.

I lose my grip to her, that's why I stand alone at the middle, looking for the empty seats but it is all occupied.

the only seat available were on Yoongi.

can someone please help me here? like uh pull me into a hug and say that 'i miss you! how are you?' and we will take a seat together with the others?

I am still standing at the center, looking at him again, I really miss seeing his face everyday, because after that graduation, Yoongi transferred to other school, I have no contact to him.

he is paler than usual, his hair was color brown that really suits him and he is more handsome, but still, an introvert person-

"I am sorry, i am not looking", I said and apologize to the bartender.

"no, it's fine, we aren't both looking", he said and we both laugh.

after that scenario, I look back again to Yoongi who is now looking at me, I do not know what to do, my heart is beating loudly that i can be able to hear it.

Yoongi suddenly smile at me then looks back to his phone.

did he just smile a-at me!?

I look to my left then to my right of course i look on my back too, checking if Yoongi really smiled at me.

♔︎ Min Yoongi | 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now