● barrier pt.2 ●

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2 years passed, Yoongi and Y/n are getting close with each other, they are having a good time when their schedules are free.

Yoongi always protect Y/n when someone is making fun of her because she cannot hear and talk as well.

Y/n started to have a feelings for him, but she's afraid that he will reject her feelings because of her condition.

second, she also thinks that she is just a close friend to him-

her thoughts were cutted off when her phone vibrated and Yoongi's laugh was heard over her room.

she recorded his laugh when he's laughing unstoppable and made it as a ringtone.

she smiled at that thought.

she type her password and check Yoongi's message for her.

  are you free tonight?

yes i am, why?

be ready, i'll pick you at 8:00 PM.

and in that, Y/n roll over her queen sized bed and started to giggle like a child.

she ready her clothes and things that she need so she cannot panic when Yoongi will come and will pick her up.

she waited, she put a light make up on her face and tied her hair into a messy bun but still looking pretty.

she look at her clock and it reads 8:00 PM when someone knock on the door.

she smiled, she knows that it is Yoongi, she stand up and unlock the door, revealing a man who have a pale skin and wearing a simple black t-shirt, a black pants and a timberlands shoes.

Yoongi smiled at his sight, seeing y/n who is wearing a black dress and a 3 inches heels that really suits her.

he signed a 'you look pretty Y/n, every time, so? let's go!' and he flashed his smile.

y/n blushed at what he has signed to him.

'thank you, you too, you look handsome, as always, let's go' she signed back and Yoongi take her hand and started to walk towards his car.

Yoongi open the car door for her and close it and in that, he started to drive his car along with 'his' y/n.

the ride went quiet until they reach their destination.

Yoongi opened the car door for her and they entered his house.

they reached the highest floor of his house, the view was so pretty, city lights that are shone to them as the moon and stars glimmer above the dark blue sky.

Yoongi sit beside her and started to wonder, cool breeze of the air were damping on their skin that made them relaxed.

as time passes, Yoongi poke y/n and he take a deep breathe.

'y/n listen', he sighed.

'what is it?', she signed back.

'i have something to tell you, but i will not use sign language, you will guess it by looking at my mouth, is it clear?', he signed.

she giggled, 'okay fine, but make sure that it will be easy', she signed and Yoongi nodded at him.

Yoongi started to pronounce the syllables clearer for her and he also make sure that he shape his mouth perfectly so she can understand.

'i love you!', she signed as she guess the sentence.

Yoongi smiled at her and nodded.

and he gave another one to her, but this time, Y/n is having a hard time because she cannot guess it.

but after a few minutes she got it.

'do you like me', she signed, unsure of her answer.

'yes you guessed it! and yes, i like you! do you like me too?', he signed and in that, Y/n blushed.

'are you confessing or what?', she signed again.

'i am confessing to you right now', he signed, Y/n's heartbeat is going faster by the time he signed that.

'i like you too, Yoongi Min', she confessed, and Yoongi hug him tightly like there's no tomorrow.

Yoongi signed again, 'can i court you?',

'yes, sure', she signed, Yoongi gave her a peck on her cheek and hug her again.

and in that, their relationship started.

♔︎ Min Yoongi | 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now