Twenty Four

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•few days later•

"Mckinlee! Ryland is here!" Tatum tells from downstairs. I run down to see Ryland.

"Hey baby!" I said excited to see him, I then kissed him on the lips.

"Hi princess, how has your Nike shoot going?" He asks me after our kiss.

"It's been amazing! At the end of the shoot I'm keeping all the clothes!" I said super excited.

"That is amazing, you ready for your last shoot tomorrow?" He asked as we walked up to my room.

"Yeah, but I am kind of sad that this shoot is going to be over because soon I have like a two month shoot at a bunch of different places. Which means I leave you." I said sad as I flopped onto my bed.

"Baby we will be fine, we have been going strong and I have faith in us I'm not losing you." He says giving me a kiss. We talked a little more then decided to order Chinese and watch movies all night.

When the food got here Ryland ran downstairs and got the food and brought it up to my room. We had the place to our selves. The girls are all at sway hanging out. Jaden and Tatum have lowkey been flirting but they won't admit.

~a few hours later~

Ryland and I fell asleep watching movies. I woke up to the girls running up the stairs. I got up and went to go check on the girls. "Hey, y'all are so loud. I'm trying to sleep."

"Is Ryland still here?" Tatum asked giggling.

"Yes dumb bitch, we were asleep so shh! I'm going back to bed you can tell everything tomorrow." I said before returning to my room.

~next afternoon~

I wrapped on the Nike shoot. I just got all of the close into the back of my car to bring back to my place. Ryland is probably waking up now so it's kind of perfect. I started the car and drove back to my place. Victoria left a little early to go to the office and plan out my two month shoot with Lisa. I pulled into the parking garage and grabbed all my close from the trunk and took it all back to the place.

I opened the door and Ryland is making lunch "hey baby," he said giving me a kiss.

"Hey sweetie," I said back.

"How was it, that is a shit ton of clothes." Ryland says.

"It was amazing, yeah I'm have new work out clothes!" I said excited. "Let's throw a party tonight."

"Ight I'm down." Ryland says. I grabbed my phone and texted in the hype group chat and the sway group chat to tell them to all come over tonight at 9.

Ryland was gonna eat then leave to go get clothes then come back. I texted in my roommate group chat and said that people were coming over. Riley and Tatum were at sway now. I ate lunch with Ryland. When he left I went upstairs and got ready to take a shower.

~an hour later~

I got out of the shower and dried off. I brush my hair and let it air dry for a little bit. Which it air dried I put on sweats and a sports bra so I can start to clean downstairs. I turn the vacuum and let it go. While the vacuum was going I was cleaning the tables and counters. After the vacuum was done I did a quick little mop around the kitchen and dining room. I then went back up to my room to finish getting ready.

I blow dry my hair then choose to curls it. While I was starting to curl my hair, Tatum, Victoria, and Riley came home from sway. "Hey Kinz, do we need anything else for tonight everyone wants to know." Riley asked me.

"Um we need plastic cups and pong balls of course alcohol. I have a table that we can use." I responded while curling my hair.

"Okay, we will tell everyone." She said then left. I continued to do my hair. A few minutes later when I finished my hair the doorbell went off. I went downstairs and opened the door to Thomas, Ondreaz, Larray, Patty, and Paper with two huge coolers.

Long Lost Cousin's Roommate /|\ Ryland StormsWhere stories live. Discover now