ch. 3

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-Blue's POV-

After I found out error was driven to suicide, I was devastated. I had a break down, attacked my brother, and went to nightmares castle. Nightmare seemed to understand that I was good friends with error, and let me stay.

After error had "died" things have gone into complete madness. AUs were grouping up, people were dying, and the charas weren't letting the frisks reset. Dream had been ill due to the decrease of positivity. Most of the original AUs have gone on lock down, while Core frisk was trying to help all the monsters whose AUs were raised.

Things were... Pretty bad.

Right now, I was in my room, tears flowing down my face and making a puddle around my bed. I decided to go to the anti void. I knew error wasn't there, but it was worth a shot.

I quickly dried my face off and made a portal to the anti void. After I arrived at nightmare's place, he taught me how to make portals to other AUs.

I came to the anti void and looked around.


I could still hear the faint whispers of the voices as I walked around. But I could hear one voice stand out from all the others.

You came here looking for error, correct?

"Huh? Do you know where he is?" I asked. The voice paused for a second

I know you are very good friends with him, bit he does not want his location to be known.

"Please tell me where he is, I won't tell anyone else. Please!" I begged. I knew it was kind of stupid to be begging to something non existent, but it was the best I could do.

Fine. I will create a portal that you can go through. If he doesn't want you there, he can kick you out and you won't be able to enter. But if he allows you, then you can go whenever you like.

Yes! It had been 3 and a half whole years since I've seen error. I missed him so much.

I heard a noise next to me and looked over. A portal had opened, but it was made out of paper. I ran through that thing at the speed of light, and found myself in a blue tinted version of the anti void.

I looked around. There were strings hanging from the ceiling, but instead of souls, it was unfinished origami or knited things. But what caught my eye the most, was a figure sitting on the ground in front of me, his front facing the other way.


-errors POV-

I got up and quickly turned around. Blue was there. "Oh hEy bLue. WhAtS uP-" I was quickly cut off by blue jumping on to me and squeezing the life out of me. "Oh error, I've missed you so much! Why did you just leave us like that!?" At this point blue was sobbing.

"WelL I Had tO." I said. Blue soon let go of me and we both sat down, and I started explaining.

"WeLl I gOt TiRed oF aLl tHe ToRchEr sO I TrieD dYinG bY jUmpIng inTo tHe voId, aS yOu cAn sEe dIdnT wOrk." I looked over to blue who sat there I silence, so I continued. "So yOu knOw aBouT fAte, rIghT?" Blue nodded. "WeLl shE hAd a SistEr nAmeD deStinY, aNd DestIny hAd pRovEd tO tHe oTher gOds tHat fAte wAs bAd, So Fate goT tAken aWay. YoU cAtcHinG oN?" I looked over to blue who looked surprisingly calm. "So tHen AftEr tHat, a WhoLe lOt oF sTufF haPpenEd. I feLL aSleEp fOr a WholE yEar, Ink lOst hIs aBIlIty to crEatE, DreaM iS sIck, tHere'S a HugE waR goiNg on- yOu Get ThE iDea." Blue was so surprised, he looked like he was going to implode.

-blues POV-

that... That was a lot to take in.

"Well error pretty much everyone misses y-" "nO." I was quickly cut off by error. "I'm nOt gOing bAcK. EvEr." "But error-" "I AlReadY sAid nO. JUst... PlEasE. IM nOt reAdy To fAce tHeM. Just SeEinG yOu, hAs AlrEady stResSed mE oUt a LoT." I sighed. I guess It was pretty stressful dealing with all that stuff, so I decided to change the subject.

"Did you make all this?" Error slowly looked up. "WeLl sIncE faTe iS gOne, I cAn pRetTy mUch Do whAtevEr I waNt, sO yEah, I Did mAke... tHis." Error looked pretty proud of himself. I giggled. "Well what about the string?" I asked. He suddenly started smiling a little bit. "Oh iTs AweSomE. waTcH tHiS!" Error then proceeded to take his strings out, and turn them different colors. I stared in awe at the sight before me. "That's awesome!" He giggled a little bit. It was nice seeing him so happy.

We talked and messed around a little bit more before I remembered about the bad guys. "I think it's time for me to go error. I'll try and come back tomorrow though!" "BYe bLue!"

I went through a portal back to nightmares place, and came out in the kitchen. Suddenly I was startled by nightmare.

"Where were you?"

WOW this one was long.
*Whew* well I hope you enjoyed!

Updated: may 28, 2020

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