I- It started down at Taylors Creek

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Craig looked at the black tar that sat idle in the cup known as coffee, he found the coffee his work unbearable but it kept him awake during the long nights. Well, that and his work load. He threw his head back and groaned as he thought about the paperwork, his dull grey eyes fixated on the cracked tiled roof.
"Craigster!" A loud obnoxious voice rang through his ears.
He jumped, almost enough to fall out of the cheap and shitty desk chair
"Clyde" he sighed in his monotone voice before continuing "Stop distracting me" he shook his head.

"Oh come on Craig! All of these so called 'cases' they assign us is just some kid who got their Halloween chocolate stolen 5 fucking moths later by their parents" He rolled his eyes
"How specific" Craig copies the motion of rolling his eyes.
The two give each other looks that turns into a full blown stirring contest, only snapping out of it when Craig's desk phone rings
"Whose chocolate was stolen this time?" Clyde laughed
He hissed at Clyde and picked up the phone

"Police Detective Tucker speaking?" Craig spoke.
"Tucker" A familiar voice began "There have been reports of a gun shot down at Taylors Creek. I trust you and Donovan can handle the situation?"
"Who is it?" Clyde pestered, receiving a smack in return
"On it." and with a slam on the phone, the line went dead.
"What are you on? My cock?" Clyde smirks
"Gun shots, Taylors Creek," Craig slipped on his leather coat.

Clyde's smirk dropped. Yes the two detectives weren't the most serious (okay maybe only clyde) but when it came to their job they knew they had to take anything seriously no matter how minute it might seem.

Craig's knuckles were practically white from gripping the steering wheel so tight, cigarette dangling loosely between his chapped lips. Clyde being a perfect mirror of Craig, but instead of a cigarette. One of those white candy sticks instead. Parking the car and getting out, flicking the cigarette on the floor and stomping on it, Clyde chewing his candy.

They began with questioning the surrounding people, a cul-de-sac only a couple of meters away from the Creek.
"Ma'am, i need you to slow down please" Craig repeated once again, Clyde not having any more luck with the neighbour
"Miss, I just need you to answer, did you hear anything out of the ordinary?"
The two detectives finally come to a conclusion that there was in fact a gunshot, and if not a gunshot that is a mirroring sound of one.
"You look around the east side of the Creek, I'll look around the west" Craig instructed "meet up at the north"

"Sounds good," Clyde nodded, following the orders that Craig gave.
Craig walked around the Creek, finding a black car
"Mysterious" Craig mumbled to himself, going up and knocking on the tinted window only to have no response
"Uhh police detective Donovan, come to the west side... May have found something..." he spoke into his radio, receiving a roger that and soon he found Clyde by his side.

"Should we open it?" Clyde whispered softly
The taller detective nodded, putting on gloves and opening the door only to find a dead body with what seemed to be a bullet hole through the middle of his forehead
"Oh my god..." The chubbier detective gagged, covering his mouth and looking away
"Clyde" Craig spoke, turning his head but not looking away from the body

"Get Broflovski here ASAP rocky"

In what seemed like hours to Craig and seconds to Clyde, the two looking at the jewish red-head examined the deceased male.

"Well from first glance it looks like a suicide" Kyle began, taking a swab of the still wet blood "But from the angle it doesn't appear that way, and it looks like the use of elicit drugs was very evident. I'll send this back to the lab, as for you two search the rest of the car. We need to find this males identity" Kyle instructed.

The two nodded and the first thing Craig looked for was number plates, he could track down the registration to a name but... nothing... they seemed to have been removed.

"Shit" Craig hissed

"Broflovski, check the body for any ID?"

All his response was a wallet being thrown at him

"Cheers.." he mumbled and opened up the wallet.

There were two see through slots, one had a photo of the man himself and another of a rather attractive male in lingerie for women, blonde hair that stuck out in all sides. He slipped it out, turning it over to find what looked to be a nickname and an address, along with days of the week in messy writing

'Twitches 356th lane Donald street Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday'

"Doesn't look to be a loved one or relative" he spoke as Clyde appeared behind him

"Take a look" he showed Clyde

"Prostitute" Clyde pointed out "Or stripper, look! Days he or she works, Code/Stage name and Address! We've got a lead!" Clyde smiled

Craig raised an eyebrow as he looked at the photo of this 'Twitches'

"He looks too... Fragile to hurt someone..."

"Could be a personal sex worker" Kyle shrugged "Any lead you have, take it. Visit this 'Twitches" and take him for questioning... " Kyle sighed and rubbed his face after taking off his gloves

"Have this taped off for the night, I've done everything i can for you two right now. Call in another night shift and go to your lead" Kyle sighed "you have my number if anything else happens" he sighed and walked away.

"Well?" Clyde looked at Craig hopeful.
Craig lit a cigarette and placed it in his mouth, sucking in the smoke and breathing it out
"Hope your good at hiding your boners... we're getting lap dances" he looked at Clyde seriously
"Nice..." Clyde smirked

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