VI- unspoken handshakes and unpaid debt

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Romans 5:8 – But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners.

Craig was not a religious man but after that scene, maybe he should be. Every time he closed his eyes he heard hear disgusting words, saw her harsh eyes and felt her overly moisturised hands. The only thing that gave him closure was the folded media paper with information on his murder cases. Not the information he desired but anything would do.

He walked to his car, head hung in shame as he opened the door, sliding in and taking the paper and unfolding it. It had nothing more than a name, not the name of a person and hopefully not the name of another brothel.
'The Passout'
Craig didn't know what to think of this name, was it unusual to say the least. but she said it was a lead. Craig sighed in disgust.

driving back to the precinct, Craig went over what he would say, how he got the information and why it's so... vague?
he shook his head, putting his focus back on the road. he couldn't help his knuckles as they tightened on the wheel, turning white in the process. The case has bearly started and Tucker wanted out.


Slamming the door open, he smacked the paper down in front of Clyde.
"Do. Not. Fucking. Ask" He commanded, seeing Clyde give a small nod.
"So-" a familiar redheads voice pipped up "cause of death was in fact the gunshot, died at approximately 02:30 but what we cannot understand is the number of drugs in his system. he was too drugged up to even move his hand" Kyle rubbed his face.
"Sounds like we have a case of 1st-degree murder" Craig nodded
"Ah! not so fast Craig!" Clyde scolded
"Actually, yeah. From the looks of it, 1st degree. someone knew he was going to be there and doing drugs. Someone knew the exact point to shoot." Kyle confirmed.
"Well...? Craig, is Tweek a suspect?" Clyde pressed
"No, his alibi matches up with CCTV footage and his check-in time. But he is our best bet at finding who the fuck this man is" Craig sighed in defeat.

Kyle smacked his hands together as other officers began pouring into the station
"swap over time ladies! I gotta get back to Christophe before he thinks I'm having an affair" Kyle giggled, waving to the two males as he walked out but paused when he heard Craig call his name.

"Kyle... whatever happened to you and Stanley Marsh...?" Craig rose an eyebrow, not caring if it was a touchy subject.
"Multiple things Craig, from Wendy to alcohol. He wasn't the boy I fell in love with, he wasn't my super best friend anymore" Kyle spat, not in a harsh way directed towards craig or Stan, more of a sad and pitiful way.

Craig nodded and waved to the scientist, Kyle was many things, but he was especially good with small details people seemed to miss. Craig knew that, also knowing he would always be in debt to Kyle, ever since that nightmare back in year 10.


"I swear to god! I didn't touch her! I'm gay and not a pedophile Pc Principle!"
"I'm sorry craig, all evidence resorts to you. We have to call in someone to investigate. This is a rape claim, it must be taken extremely seriously. I advise you to stay home Craig"

Those words broke the young Tucker, he was over. He walked home that day, right after the meeting to be exact. Only to be met with a familiar yet unacquainted red head.
"Kyle.." Craig gave a small nod.
"You're innocent" He spoke back, surprising the space obsessed boy.
"I-I am... why do you think that...?" He mumbled, scared to know the answer.
"The small details they missed, how she said it was very snowy on that day, you did it in front of her house... but, where was the 2 feet worth of snow?" He asked "or how she said you and her had never ever spoken before, she didn't even know your name yet... she's been partnered up with your sister on multiple accounts" he pointed out.

Ever since that day, he knew Kyle was an amazing kid around the wrong people. He prayed Kyle would go far, and he's so proud of who Kyle has become. Married to a French man and talking about adoption. Letting his brother stay with him and helping out anyone.

Craig did not think of Kyle in any manner other than brotherly but he seemed to smile when he remembered where Kyle started and where he is now.

Clyde sighed, breaking the taller male out of a trance "so... pick this up tomorrow?" He looks up at craig, who nodded
"Yeah... get some sleep, can't imagine Bebe is happy with you" He laughed, waving to his partner as he picked up his coat and left.

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