II- I dont give lap dances

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Driving to the address was less than eventful. On stupid calls Clyde would be banging to Craig's music but due to what is suspected to be a homicide the two were in no happy matter.

"So... we are looking for this 'Twitches' ?" Clyde finally spoke up
"Yeah, Blonde bed-head type of boy" Craig nodded
Clyde smirked softly, rubbing his hands together
"Don't get any ideas. We don't have any registration for this place, we don't know if it's legal or not. And this boy does not look 18" Craig pointed out
"I wasn't going to!" He pouted, crossing his arms
"Please! I've seen you around places like this" he shook his head and arrived

"This is the place?" Clyde raised an eyebrow
"Yeah..." Craig put the car into park
"Looks like a fucking crack whore house" Clyde pointed out
He wasn't wrong, the building was made out of drywall with graffiti saying slurs of all sorts
'Whore, cunt, slut' all of them
"Thanks co-captain obvious" he took off his seatbelt and got out, slamming his door.
Clyde copies Craig's actions and smirks
"Time for some lap dances"

"WHAT?!" Clyde slams his fists on the desk "YOU GUYS DON'T DO LAP DANCES?!"
The receptionist, who looked pretty bored raised her eyebrows
"For the 4th time, no we don't do lap dances" she rolled her eyes.
Craig pushed Clyde aside and began talking
"Apologies for my friend. I'm hoping to find Twitches?"

She stopped filing her nails and looked up at Craig with an annoyed look
"Twitches is busy"
Craig chuckled and slammed his badge on the desk, making the receptionist jump
"I'm looking for Twitches" he repeated in a stern voice
"D-Down the hall... r-room at the e-end. Can't miss it" she mumbled

Craig smiled sarcastically and put his badge back in his pocket, following her instructions, Clyde on his tail.
As they walked down, the sickening stench of sex and illicit drugs filled their noses. The sound of skin against skin and fake moaning filled the detectives ears.
"So there's our answer" Clyde nodded
Craig raised an eyebrow and looked over to him
"This place isn't legal, it smells fucking horrible, like withdrawal from Heroine and the sex stench is so thick I think I'll catch an STI" Clyde spat his words.

Officer Donovan might joke around every once in a while but he looked down on places like this. It ropes innocent people in and basically brainwashes them into thinking they can't have anything better. It's like sex slavery but with freedom!

Craig didn't bother to knock, he just walked right in, only to see a less than pleasing sight.
A blonde boy, who they assumed to be twitches, on top of an unidentifiable person. Twitches had cuts and bruises everywhere from what Craig could see and as the poor boy turned to face Craig he noticed the scabs on his face.
He decided to clear his throat and begin
"I'm looking for Twitches'?" Craig spoke, cringing as his flat monotone voice echoed
"GAH! Y-Your l-looking at h-him-GAH!"
"See why they call you twitches" Craig mumbled beneath his breath
"I'm gonna need you to dismount your horse and come with me" Clyde piped up behind Craig, showing his badge
"Fuck..." the man beneath twitches swore "you guys keep multiplying"

The small frail boy got off the man and handed him some money back before walking to the two tall males. First thing running through Craig's mind
'He is anything but 18'
"You don't wanna put anything on?" Clyde offered
"N-GAH- Not a-allowed t-to" he mumbled
Craig rolled his eyes and slipped off a jumper, handing it to 'Twitches'
"I have more clothes at the station I can give him" he explained to Clyde.
He let Twitches walk in front of him and behind Clyde as to make sure he won't be hurt or run.

They make it to the car, Craig opening the door for Tweek and slamming it shut before getting into the drivers seat, turning up the head for Tweek.
"Actually so confused" Clyde sat in the front.
His comment made Craig raise an eyebrow, as If inviting him to continue
"It's just such a strange place... how the fuck are people dumb enough to rope themselves into it?" He mumbled to Craig, knowing to keep his voice down
"Debt, addiction, abuse ect" Craig shrugged, beginning to drive to the station
"I wanna go to a strip club later. A real, legal strip club" Clyde announced, bouncing a ball on the roof and sitting his feet on a dashboard
"You get anything dirty and your scrubbing my car. Top to bottom" Craig threatened, making Clyde remove his feet and stop playing with a bouncy ball.

"So, this is our first and only lead..." Clyde whispered "an underage crack whore?" He looked at Tweek with a sour face
"Yes, and we have to take everything he says seriously, no matter what" Craig gripped the steering wheel.
"So he obviously had a thing for blondes" Clyde said as he looked through the dead mans wallet (with gloves on)
"What makes you say that?" Craig rose an eyebrow
"The fact that a bunch of blonde models are in his wallet" Clyde cringed
"What's wrong with having a thing for blondes?"
"Nothing, it's just... so basic..." he mumbled softly
"How the fuck is that basic?"
"It just is okay?" Clyde pouted
"Hey, whatever gives you a stiffy at night" he shrugged
"The saying is whatever helps yo-"
"I know the fucking saying Donovan!" Craig hissed

"Soooooo" Clyde looked back at Twitches
"What's it like giving lap dances?" He asked
"S-GAH!- Sir... I-I don't give lap dances..."
Clyde's face went dark and he slammed his hand on the dashboard "WHAT?!"

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