IV- Tragic backstories

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(before we start, I'm not writing down the legal rights because you guys wont read that boring shit)

After the detectives read Tweek his legal rights, explain he is not arrested, explained he could leave at any time as well as having the right to refuse any questions and made him sign a legal document that said the boy had been read his legal rights and gone over everything. They began.

"Name?" Craig began
"Tweek Tweak. T-w-e-e-k T-w-e-a-k"
Craig nodded, writing it down
"I choose not to answer that" Tweek whispers, noticing Craig's nod.

"Now Tweek" Clyde began "do you know this man?" They slid a photo over to Tweek and instantly he recognised the man in the photo as a frequent and consistent regular.
"Y-Gah!- yes... GAH- h-he's one of m-my regulars..." he managed to get out.
"Can you give us a name?" Clyde asked
"Even if I could, I-I cannot. I don't have the authority to tell y-you my clients p-personal details but I don't know this clients n-name..." he explained
"And why don't you know this clients name?" Craig pressed
"He didn't like me calling h-his name, he preferred daddy or sir, master s-sometimes but never his name" Tweek further explained.
Craig knew Clyde picked up on how the boy stopped having outbursts and managed to collect himself to answer their questions, noting down that Tweek had calmed down.

The two paused for a minute, nodding and taking down notes and recording everything they said, Craig recording the detectives and Clyde recording the person-at-hand.
"Is there anything you can tell us that seems important? Even if it doesn't?" Clyde asked softly
"H-he was married..." Tweek began, catching the attention of both detectives
"H-he'd always bring his ring, which I thought was strange... he'd t-take it off and put it on my dresser" Tweek tried to remember everything "he left it once, I had to call him to come get it" Tweek giggled as he remembered, serves the cheating cunt right.
"Was is a mobile or landline?"

"We need that number" Craig mumbled to clyde "if he's married and lives with his wife it's perfect!" Clyde smiled, happy they managed to find another lead.
"When were you last with him?" Clyde regained posture
"L-last night... I was in his car on a call..." Tweek explained "why am I being questioned"
"Fuck! We forgot to tell him!"
Craig sighed at Clyde and looked at Tweek
"That man was found dead at Taylor's Creek about 1 hour ago... he don't know the time of death yet but it looked to be recent"

Tweeks face dropped as he heard those words, all colour leaving his body. He was completely innocent! Why would they question him?! Oh yeah... this man is Tweeks regular.
Clyde was quick to run to his side, attempting to calm him down but nothing! He hopelessly looked over at Craig who sunk down beside Tweek and began rubbing his shoulders
"You're okay Tweek. So far you are not a suspect" he attempted
Tweek still had been tugging his hair, practically ripping it out.

Craig took Tweeks hands in his, making Tweek drop his hair.
"How you feel Tweek?"
"Why Tweek?"
"Are you innocent Tweek?" Craig asked, his voice becoming softer
"Y-yes...." he mumbled
"Then you shouldn't have anything to worry about"

Craig returned to his spot as did Clyde
"Are you okay to continue?" Clyde asked, smiling when Tweek nodded.
"When was the last time you saw him?" Clyde continued
"A-About 2 hours ago... I-I was o-on a call..."
Craig winced, that doesn't look or sound good for Tweeks innocence.
"Explain how he was acting" Craig softly demanded
"H-He wasn't... o-of sound m-mind... h-high on something... I-It looked like....H-Heroine m-mixed with something..." Tweek mumbled, pausing to catch a shaky breath "After having intercourse in his c-car... h-he threw me out...." he mumbled "s-so I headed back to work...." he choked.

"That's all Tweek. I can drive you back to work if you'd like? I need to speak with your manager anyway" Craig stood up before turning to Clyde
"Check the car and call Broflovski" He nodded
He helped the small boy up, walking to the door and holding it open for Tweek.

As they both got in Craig's car it was silent, Tweek to afraid to talk and Craig going over what he was going to say to the manager.
"So Tweek... Why'd you get into proposition at a brothel?"
"M-money..." Tweek mumbled, rubbing his arm softly.
Craig nodded, trying to wrap his head around how someone could willingly have sex with strangers for money.
"Didn't think of getting an actual job?" He rose an eyebrow.
He had noticed how Tweek flinched, obviously not wanting to answer the question. It seemed almost too personal.

"If you don't answer that's fine" Craig nodded, trying to let Tweek know that he didn't need the answer.
"M-My parents had died w-when I was y-younger... t-they overdosed..." he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck before continuing "I-I remember coming h-home from s-school... I-I went to my p-parents coffee shop... n-noticing it had been closed and l-locked was a r-red sign... I-I usually s-started my shift a-after school..." Tweek took a shaky breath, trying to recollect himself so he didn't break down "I-I went to the b-back room... a and I saw them... f-father face d-down a-and mother on h-her back... h-her eyes were empty... lifeless..."

Tweek couldn't help himself, he broke down right there in the detectives car, sobbing into his arms. Craig couldn't help but feel guilty, he asked and Tweek told from intimidation. Craig let his hand rest on Tweeks thigh, squeezing to let Tweek know he was there. The fragile boy squeaking and jumping when he felt the squeeze.
"A-all I r-remember after t-that was r-red and b-blue lights" he finished, sniffling as he wiped away his tears.
Craig offered a tissue from his center console, Tweek taking one with a sad smile.

Craig took a deep breath as he parked the car, turning the keys and hearing the engine shut off. This was going to be a long ass case.

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