VII- did that flame ever die out?

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Walking into his office once more, Craig was surprised to see Clyde already there.

"Your early" he pointed out, grabbing a styrofoam cup and pouring the 'coffee' into it.
"I couldn't sleep..." Clyde mumbled, not daring to look up at Craig.
"That's new... Did Bebe bring home taco's for you?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Don't- don't say her name Craig" he mumbled softly.

"Why? Aren't you planning on marrying her?"
And that's what set Clyde off, slamming his head on the table and immediately breaking down into tears
"S-c-I-" he couldn't even managed to say one word.
Craig couldn't bare to see his best friend and partner sob- it hurt his cold heart.

"Clyde!" He ran to the chubby detectives side, rubbing his back "what's happened buddy?"
"Bebe- another man... better than me"
It was vague, but Craig knew what he was saying.. Bebe cheated. He felt like snapping her and the other mans neck. How fucking dare she?!
"Clyde.." Craig sighed "Go home yeah...? If you can't, go to my place. I have some tacos in the fridge. Captain will understand" he sighed, rubbing his back.

After a small debate Clyde agreed to stay with Craig, leaving his work with a small pout. Craig sighed softly, how would he do this without someone by his side? Well... that's when his fairy god mother appeared.
"So guessing that Clyde's our, your gonna need a hand?"

Or little red riding Kyle... thinking about boys.

"Yeah, fuck knows I can't solve shit alone" he sighed, taking a sip of the somehow burnt coffee.
"Yeah- I know don't you worry" the red head laughed softly, sitting down across from him.
"Fill me in Tucker, what have we got?"
"Well, we still don't have a name but we are hoping to find one. Tweek Tweak was one of his regulars, he was married. Unknown if he has children" Craig sighed.

"Fuck you guys aren't getting anywhere" Kyle laughed, standing up and taking the paper craig left behind the night before.
"'The pass out'? another whore house?" Kyle giggled
"Fuck I hope not.." craig shook his head "the owner of that brothel gave it to me, said I could find information there. But it just feels like she's taking me for a ride.. like she knows something I don't.." he groaned.

"Well? Grab your coat, let's go" he commanded softly, throwing Craig's coat to him and walking out into the cold, skin freezing weather.
They slipped into Kyles car, craig immediately turning on the heater to full blast, Kyle scolding him and then turning it down.
"You'll drain my fucking battery" He shook his head, typing in the address and smiling with relief.
"It's a bar" He sighed softly, pulling his car out of park and into the first gear.

They drove down the road, headlights on full beam and the only thing filling the silence was the annoying ass gps lady.
"Shady" Craig pointed out, noticing that they left the nicer part of town, and were met with crack whores and fights.

Kyle, being the asshole he was, locked his door and windows and saying something like.
"I know it's a rude stereotype... but it's hard not to do that when you see a car getting robbed right next to you."
Craig just nodded in agreement, noticing the slightly hidden bar come into view
"Here we are" He mumbled, slipping on his coat once more, hiding a gun in the inside pocket, Kyle doing the same.

"Let's go get us some answers" He curly haired man nodded to craig, unlocking the door, getting out with craig only to lock it again.
The two detectives walked into the bar, it was not like how in movies everyone stopped talking to look at the newbies. No, nothing changed. They didn't make a dramatic entrance, instead walking in undetected and taking to vacant bar stools.

The man working had an orange parka, blonde hair sticking out and gapped teeth.
"'Ello there, I'm kenny! Never seen you Folkes around before. You dress to fancy to be from this side of town" he laughed, a thick accent clinging onto his words.
"Hey Kenny, we're here on offical police businesses." Kyle whispered lowly
"I'm Kyle, this is craig" he spoke normal once more.

"Well, Mr. Fancies, what can I get yah?" He smiled softly, warm and welcoming.
"I'll have bourbon on the rocks thanks"
"Just a lemonade, I'm driving" Kyle nodded.
Kenny placed ice in two glasses, filling one up with lemonade and the other with cheap liquor.
"Anything else Lads?" He offered, giving a cocky smile.

"Yeah what can you tell us about this man right here?" Craig cut to the chase, handing 'Kenny' the picture of the now deceased man.
"Hmm, He was a regular. Came in here to..." Kenny paused, realising he could get in trouble if he said anything
"He's dead. We don't care what he's done. We need to know every little detail" Kyle spoke softly, his voice reassuring and kind.
Craig never knew how Kyle did it, but he always calmed down even the most frightened of people.

Kenny nodded before beginning to continue
"He'd come in here to have sex with young boys, usually 18 or under. I never stopped him sadly, but I always told the boys when he roofied their drink" He scratched the back of his neck.
"He was in-between the 40-50 mark, that's all the details I can tell you, I don't really get to know my customers sorry" he apologised.

Kyle nodded in understanding, taking notes of everything before looking up at him "is there anyone here who knows him?"
Kenny nodded and pointed to a man behind them "His name is Stan, he was once a victim. He'll tell you everything you need"

Stans head piped up as he heard his name, his jaw dropping as he saw his ex. Standing there in a dress shirt, tie and suspenders. Hair tied up and a confident exterior. He looked into those brown eyes he once lit up
"Ky..." he gasped
Kyle turned around to the noise, gasping as he saw his old flame. His full, lifeless grey eyes full of something Kyle couldn't describe, thankfully he did not want to. He could smell the alcohol from where he was standing, Stan wore the same thing he did back in high school except he looked like more of a dead beat.

He took a deep breath and sat down "Hello, I'm Kyle Broflofski, I need to ask you a few questions"

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