III- candy store but im broke

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Tweek felt dread creep up his throat as he saw the station come into view. After Clydes outburst about Tweek not giving lap dances the ride was silent.

He had gathered that the taller male with a monotone voice was named Craig Tucker, and the chubbier one was named Clyde Donovan but had also gathered they did not know his real name. The skid-ish teen thought this was about either work or his drug addiction. He could get himself out of both... he has before but with a lot of difficulty but if he's done it once, he can do it again.

The police car came to a stop and Tweek noticed Clyde Getting out of the car and heading to the front door while Craig got out and opened his door, helping Tweek out. As they walked to the station entrance. Craig noticed what seemed to be dried up semen 'decorating' his body.
'Gross' he thought
He made himself a mental note to himself to give Tweek a warm cloth before giving him new clothes and something to eat.

As they arrive at the questioning room Craig left Tweek and Clyde together to retrieve the items for Tweek.

"Sooo... how do you walk after all of that sex?" Clyde rose an eyebrow
"I-I... GAH- H-huh?"
"You have sex for a living... How are you never in pain?"
"I-I sleep w-with GAH- t-the s-same p-people and GAH d-don't do i-it every n-night..."
Clyde nodded, trying to think of more questions to ask the scared boy
"Do you have r-regulars...?"
"O-Of course..."
"If you got fired, where would you work?"
"W-Wendy's... S-She's offered m-me GAH- a-a job b-before..."

Craig slammed the door open, a cup in hand with clothes in the other
"Warm wash cloth and some pants and a top, you can keep the hoodie. Need a drink or anything?" Craig placed the things on the metal bench
"GAH! C-Coffee...?"
Craig looked at Clyde who nodded and walked out, probably going to go get Tweek's coffee
"Here" He handed Tweek the cup and warm wash cloth, who just stared at it
"I cannot imagine that dry cum is comfortable at all" Craig pointed out "I just am not allowed to let you shower yet"
Tweek gave Craig a small smile as if to say thank you and stood up, taking off the jacket Craig gave him and begin to wash himself with the cloth.

Now Tweek was not being sexual, just washing himself but oh how it was not innocent in Craigs eyes. He watched Tweek drag the cloth against his creamy skin, the water dripping down his chest, almost loosing it when he moved onto his thighs, softly scrubbing them to get the resedue off. To Craig it felt like he was in a candy store with everything he could ever want, but broke and unable to shoplift even a simple candy bar. Tweek dipped the cloth in the water, squeezing off the access and handing it to Craig. The male snapping out of his trance as he saw Tweek hand him the cloth
"B-Back..?" His emerald green eyes help hope and innocence, something not many prostitutes have in their eyes.
Craig cleared his throat and nodded "Of course"
he dragged the cloth across Tweek's back, biting his lip as the water trickled down his slim body. Craig ran a rough, chapped hand across Tweek's back, letting it dip lower and lower and feeling the smaller male shiver before stopping himself. What was he doing?! he quickly finished and handed Tweek a dry towel to dry off.

He sat back down in his chair and watched Tweek get dressed, trying to keep his head out of the gutter... Both heads. Tweek soon finished and sat down just in time for Clyde to come back with a cup of black coffee and a little milk sachet as well as sugar packets and a spoon.
"here" he handed the twitchy boy the coffee and condiments.
Tweek gave a smile as to say thank you and made his coffee how he liked it, gulping it down very quickly
"are you cold?" Clyde asked, grabbing a blanket out of a storage wardrobe and handing it to Tweek who was happy to wrap himself up in it.
"Before we even begin with your rights we want you to know you are not arrested and are free to leave at any time you'd like"
Something about Clyde was that he was not a joking person as soon as questioning started, he had the best head-space for his job and was also able to calm people don if his partner pushed to far.Clyde was able to speak clearly and confidently. He was intimidating when questioning people, intimidating for everyone in the room, inducing Craig... but Craig? oh he'd never admit that.

"Ready to begin?" Clyde and Craig took out their notebooks and pens, waiting for a nod from Tweek
"okay... Lets begin"

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