Chapter 5

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Tris P.O.V ~

Peter gets a few good punches at Four, but Four is destroying him. Four uppercuts Peter in the Jaw. Peter stumbles back and recovers, but not fast enough. Four flipped him and kicked him square in the nose. He's out.

Four is told to take him to the nurse.

Coach calls the next fight.

"Up next! Shauna against Ash!"

When Four gets back he sits with me and Lynn.

"Can you throw knives?" He whispers.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Wanna throw some?"


"Over there." He nods his head to the other side of the gym.

"Wow, I didn't even see that. Sure." We get up and go to ask coach if we can throw some, he approves and we head over.

Four throws some and they hit dead centre. I grab a couple and throw them, they all hit dead centre.

"Not bad." Four says.

"Like you could do better." I say.

"Alright. Let's do this. If we both hit the target, we take a step back, if you miss and the other person hits, you loose." He says.

"Deal. But we should make this a little but more interesting. If I win, you'll have to be my servant for two weeks and if you win, I'll make you dauntless cake everyday for a week."

"Two weeks."

"Eleven days."

"Deal." And we shake on it.

We start off at two meters away from the target. We throw one at a time and we eventually reach four and a half meters. By now, everyone that won their fight is watching us. We reach 6 and a half meters and now everyone is watching, even Coach Amar. We reach 9 meters, 30 feet, and Four misses. Everyone 'oooo's'. I throw one more knife and it lands perfectly dead in the centre. Yes! Everyone cheers.

"Ha! You have to be my slave for two weeks!" I say.

"Ya whatever." And the gang comes over.

"Where did you learn to throw knives like that." Zeke asks.

"Same place I learned to fight." I say.

"Where's that?" He asks.

"That my friend, is a secret." I smirk. He pouts.

"Aright class I'm going to let you guys leave early." Coach announces.

We start to leave but then I remember.

"Oh Four!" I call out.

"What?" He asks.

"Come here." He walks towards me.

"Turn around." He obeys. I hop on his back.

"Take me to the change rooms." I command.

He groans. "Your gonna enjoy this aren't you?"

"Yep." I say popping the 'p'.

"Are Zeke, Uriah, and I still going to your house?" He asks.

"If you guys want to." I say.

"It's either you or Lauren. So I'm definitely coming. " He says. I chuckle and so does he.

I hear a gasp behind us and we turn around and see Lauren standing there with hurt in her eyes but soon replaced with revenge and hatred. She turns around a walks away with her heels clicking.

"Oh well." Four whispers.

He drops me off at the girls change room and walks to the boys. I get changed and tell the girls what happened with Lauren. None of the girls in the change room like her so everyone high fives me.

I walk to my locker to pack my bag and Tori walks by.

"Tris, I saw that ariel you did in gym, it was beautiful. You better try out for cheerleading tomorrow."


"Great! Have a nice night."

"You too." I say and walk into the parking lot with my helmet and gloves.

I see a couple guys hanging around my bike.

"Hey!" I shout. "What the hell do you guys need!"

"For you to be my girlfriend." The tall one says.

"Oh really. You want this?" I say stroking his arm. He nods. I stop at his inner elbow. "Well you not getting this." I saw and press his pressure point. He go unconscious.

"Now I'd move you little friend before I run over him." I smirk. They nod and quickly move him.

I start my motorcycle and I'm about to leave when Four, Zeke, and Uriah come by.

"Why do you live?" Four asks.

"37 Black Avenue." I say.

"One more thing. Can I ride with you." Uriah asks.

"Maybe tomorrow." I say. He pouts.

"See ya at my place." With that I drive off.

Tris: The BadassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora