•𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7•

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🛑 Warning slight forced sex scene 🛑

Jimin woke up in a unfamiliar room. It was tinted red by lights and painted all white with a black bed in the middle and nothing else. He saw Jackson sleeping heavily next to him. Jimin felt a tear fall on his cheek as he thought about his friends. He got up from the bed and his knees felt weak. He could barely walk but he made it out the door without making a sound. It was 4:30am and no one was up but I was worth trying.

*Ring ring ring*
Hobi- What the fuck Jimin?
H- What? Why? Are you okay?
J- No I need you to pick me up at -address- right now.
H- Okay but you need to explain everything when I get there.
J- Fine
Call ends.

Jimin waits anxiously for Hobi to arrive. He sees his car and immediately hops in telling Hobi to just drive. Jimin then goes on to explain everything that happened leaving out last nights events because he was too hurt by that still to open up about it. "Oh my god Jimin. I'm so sorry. And Jungkook... he is so hurt. I get it now. You must do it if it means we are safe. Thank you Jimin." "Thank you for understanding." Hoseok drove them back to their house and they went to their shared room. Jimin felt better being back home. He laid down and instantly fell asleep.

Jungkook POV

I have been going into Jimins bed at night when he isn't there. Just so I could feel him again. I missed him so much. I hate myself still. For what I did to him. For letting him treat me this way. For still loving him. I love him. I need him back.

I walked over to his room to get into his bed because I didn't see him come home. Probably out with Jackson. Fucking asshat. I looked and saw a body in the bed. Jimin was laying there peacefully and gently. I got closer to observe his adorable sleeping state. He looked so calm and innocent. It was now 5:45am, Jimin could feel someone staring and he instantly knew who.

"Jungkook." Jimin says angrily making Jungkook jump and hum in response. "Get the fuck out of my room and stop watching me sleep." Jimin coldly mutters back. He wanted so badly to tell Jungkook to cuddle with him, to make him feel happy again, but he can't. Jungkook says sorry and leaves with tears in his eyes. His vision was blurry from the tears as he ran down the hall. He bumped into someone. "Jungkook?" Hobi askes. "Jimin h-he is say-ing such awful-l things t-to me lately." Jungkook stutters while sobbing.

"Kookie I know you can't know and that you can't understand what he is doing but he does love you and this is hurting him more than you right now." Hobi says. Jungkook gives Hobi a confused look. "How do you know this?" "We talked and Jimin needs to push you way okay. Just stay away but don't give up on him. Got it?" "Got it." Jungkook responds with at thumbs up. Feeing slightly better and having a little more hope.

-time skip- (later that day)

"Jimin?" Jungkook says walking into Hobi and Jimins room. Jimin didn't respond he instead just put his headphones in, turned on his music and faced the other way flinching a little because he was still very sore from the night before. Jungkook let a tear slip but quickly wiped it away. "Jimin... I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you. I love you so much and I miss your smile. I miss your laugh. I miss having you as my best friend. Hobi told me you needed to push me away and that I should just give you space. But I don't want to Jimin. Can't you see you're hurting me? Please talk to me." Jungkook pleaded. Jimin just sat there and turned the music up louder to where Jungkook could hear it. Jimin had tears in his eyes as he turned around to see Jungkook leaving. He punched and screamed into his pillows thinking about the words he had just heard.

Jimin POV

I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY! Why? Why does everything happen to me? I will find out Jackson's connections and stop him because I can't do this anymore. My body can't do this. I miss Jungkook. And I hate treating him like this.

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