Chapter 4: Arrival at Hogwarts

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A week later, Draco and Allie were taking their luggage onto the Hogwarts express. The Malfoys didn't like pets, so Allie was forced to keep Oracle in her room for the week, but that was okay.

Draco threw both of their suitcases on the luggage rack and sat down in a compartment. Allie sat down beside him. Two boys sat down across from them and introduced themselves as Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. Draco seemed to like them, but they were very stupid and clueless. And when the trolley witch came by, they bought so much food and shoved it in their mouths.

"I heard the others talking about Harry Potter. They say he has come to Hogwarts this year." Goyle said, shoving chocolate in his mouth.

"Famous Potter. He didn't even do anything to stop You-Know-Who, just sat in that bloody crib." Draco complained to himself with a look of disgust.

They all changed into their robes and soon, the train had stopped. Draco got his and Allie's trunks down and they got off the train. Crabbe and Goyle had been curious about the mark, so Allie had to explain about it to them. "Firs' years! Firs' years follow me!" a giant giant man with a bushy beard and hair yelled. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Allie put their suitcases in a carriage so they could be taken to Hogwarts and walked down to the docs.

The four of them got into a boat together and Allie looked up at the marvelous castle ahead. It was beautiful in the peaceful night. She put her hand in the lake water to feel it, but as she was doing so, Crabbe bumped into her and she fell in the water. Allie screamed as she fell and started yelling as the boats got farther away.

Hagrid looked back desperately but could not do anything to help. "Allie!" Draco screamed.
Allie was being pulled underwater by her feet. Kicking and screaming out bubbles, she opened her eyes, but it was too dark to see, so she closed her eyes again. As she was being pulled deeper underwater, she tried to kick whatever had a hold of her off. Allie could feel sharp nails digging into and scratching her legs.

Suddenly, as she was about to go unconscious, Allie heard movement in the water above her. She opened her eyes and could see through the faint light of the stars, a boy swimming to her with blonde hair. Draco.

Seeing him, Allie reached her hand up to grab his, but she was starting to go down faster. She wanted to cry, the pain in her legs was so bad, but crying wouldn't work very well in the water. Draco swam down faster and reached with all his might until he grabbed Allie's hand.

He fought to pull her away from whatever was dragging her down, but whatever it was was too strong. Her hand was just beginning to slip out of his until they were suddenly pulled out of the water. The force was so strong that whatever had a hold of Allie's leg was thrown off.

She could barely open her eyes to see a man with black hair and black eyes pulling her out of the water as a woman with a pointy hat helped Draco onto the dock. The black-haired man picked Allie up bridal style and began to rush her up towards Hogwarts. Knowing she was finally safe, she closed her eyes and blacked out.


"She is waking up." an old woman's voice said as Allie fluttered her eyes open. "Allie!" someone exclaimed as they jumped into a hug. Noticing it was Draco, Allie hugged back, a bit startled.

"Ow!" she said as Draco pulled out of the hug. Allie felt pain in her legs and looked down to see deep gashes and scratches in them. She was sitting in a chair with her legs propped up on a stool. In the room were Draco, the black-haired man, the woman with the pointy hat, and a man with a long grey beard and pointy hat.

"My legs hurt." Allie said, rubbing her scratches.

"No, don't touch it. It'll make it worse." the black-haired man said, coming over and kneeling down by the stool.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Allie asked.
"Professor Snape. Your potions master. You are in my office. This will sting so be prepared." he said, pulling out a vial.

"I am Professor McGonagall, deputy headmistress. And this is Professor Dumbledore, Hogwarts headmaster." the pointy hat woman said.

"Those Grindylows really wanted you to go with them." Professor Dumbledore said to her. Snape opened the vial and poured the liquid inside on Allie's legs.

She screamed in pain, making everyone wince. "What is that stuff?" Allie asked, holding back tears.

"A potion of healing." Snape answered, watching as the scratches disappeared slowly.
"Thank you Professor Snape, for saving me. And you too Draco. Don't let me forget that I owe both of you my life." she thanked them.
"You're welcome. Now, the sorting ceremony." Snape said, picking Allie up again, seeing as her legs were still too weak for her to walk. As he picked her up, he saw the mark on her arm and asked what it was. Allie explained as he carried her.

"I was, of course, sorted into Slytherin. And I hope you will be too." Draco said to Allie with a proud smirk.

"Yeah." she said as Snape carried her up some stone steps. "Slytherin is my house. For the cunning and ambitious." Snape said.

"Well I want to be in Slytherin. I don't think Gryffindor would be bad either though." Allie said, seeing McGonagall smile behind Snape.
Soon, they reached tall doors and they burst open as Snape carried Allie inside the Great Hall. She looked at the enchanted ceiling as students at the tables stared at her. "Amazing." she breathed as she looked at the stars.

"Yes. It's all very beautiful." Snape said sarcastically, sitting her down on a stool as McGonagall picked up the old hat that had been on it. The Sorting Hat. Allie chuckled at Snape's comment and looked up as McGonagall placed the hat on her head. Gulping nervously, she listened to see what the hat was saying.

"Difficult... a kind person to those who are kind to her...not kind enough for a Hufflepuff. Very smart...but there is so much potential for a Ravenclaw... very brave and determined when it comes to her loved ones... Ahh, there it is, the cunningness... yes I see you would fit well in Gryffindor or Slytherin. What do you think?" the Sorting Hat rambled.

"Slytherin. My friend Draco is in that house. And it is Professor Snape's house." Allie said.
"Ahh... so you do want to please the people you love. Better be... SLYTHERIN!!!!!!"

The Slytherin table erupted in cheers as Allie hopped off the stool and skipped over to the table, noticing her legs were healed and felt normal.

"That hat was very nice." she noted, sitting by Draco. He smirked at her. Then Allie looked up to the teacher table and smiled at Professor Snape. He gave a slight smile back that she was barely able to see.

Soon, we were all back in the common room. The password to the painting was 'Pureblood'. Allie figured she wouldn't have trouble remembering, seeing as she had a great memory. Plus, Draco said it at least ten times a day. The common room was decorated in green and silver. There were shelves with books, couches, chairs, a fireplace, and a small table and chairs.

Allie sat down on the couch, taking everything in. Draco plopped down roughly beside her and kicked his feet up on the coffee table.
"It is true. Harry Potter is at Hogwarts. And he's made friends with those blood traitor Weasleys. I met him just before the sorting ceremony, after I made sure Snape was taking care of you, that is." Draco said, smirking.

"Are you sure Harry and the Weasleys are that bad? I mean, sure the Weasleys don't take much pride in being pureblood, but that doesn't mean they aren't nice people, right?" Allie asked him, a bit surprised about his rudeness to the Weasleys.

Draco simply just smirked and put his arm around her shoulders. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Allie stood up and said "I think I'm going to bed, we have Transfiguration tomorrow, with the Gryffindors. Goodnight Draco."

"Goodnight Allie." he said, still with a smirk on his face. Allie just smiled and walked up the steps to the girls dormitory. After unpacking things, she changed into her pajamas and laid in bed with Oracle asleep at her feet. Things had worked out good, apart from the whole Grindylow thing. What even was a Grindylow? Allie had been put in Slytherin with Draco and found a teacher she liked. With those happy thoughts in her mind, she went to sleep.

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