Chapter 26: Escaped Prisoner

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"It's true, then? Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban." Allie said, looking at a copy of the Daily Prophet in the Great Hall. McGonagall, Snape, Dumbledore, and Hagrid were sitting around her.

    "I'm afraid so." Dumbledore said.

    "Impossible! Azkaban is way too heavily guarded. It's nearly impossible to escape." Allie exclaimed in disbelief.

    "Nearly impossible. Not impossible." Dumbledore reminded her.

    "Well I don't like it. And you say it's because he wants to kill Harry! Why would he want to kill his best friend's son?"

    "There are reasons." McGonagall said.

    "There could never be a good enough reason for that. If he goes near Harry, then he's going to have to get past me to do it. And that's nearly as impossible as escaping Azkaban." Allie said strongly.

    "I'm sure it is, Miss Catter." Dumbledore said with a laugh and smile.

    "But he did escape Azkaban." Snape pointed out. Allie glared at him. "I'm serious! He won't touch Harry with me around." she decided.

    "Are you ready to go to Diagon Alley?" Snape asked.

    "Yeah, sure. Let's go." Allie said, standing up.

    She grabbed Snape's arm and they Apparated to The Leaky Cauldron. As soon as they got there, Allie spotted Ron and Hermione, who were arguing. She ran over to them and hugged Hermione.

    "Allie!" Hermione exclaimed.

    "Ooh! Nice cat! What's its name?" Allie asked.

    "Crookshanks. See Ron, Allie likes him." Hermione said.

    "Well, Allie likes Scabbers too. See." Ron said, shoving his rat in Allie's hands. Allie laughed and said "He's pretty nice for a rat."

    "See." Ron said. Hermione glared at him. And they continued arguing.

    "I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy." Ron shouted as Crookshanks hissed and reached for Scabbers.

    "He's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature." Hermione said, holding Crookshanks back. "A cat! Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me." Ron said.

    "That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush. It's all right, Crookshanks. You just ignore the mean little boy..." Hermione cooed.

    The three of them looked up to see Harry coming down from the rooms. "Harry!" they all said. Harry smiled and came down.

    Allie ran over and hugged him, followed by Ron and Hermione. Then, Allie rejoined Snape as Hermione, Harry, and the Weasleys sat down at a long table. "Where are we going first?" Allie asked Snape, who was glaring at Harry behind his back.

    "Let's go to the potions store, I need to stock up." Snape said, walking towards the brick wall.


    "I didn't mean to blow her up. I just...lost control." Harry said as he, Allie, Ron, and Hermione walked.

    "I'm going to sit with Draco. See you guys later." Allie said, walking in the compartment and sitting down beside Draco. Across from them were Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini.

    "Hi, Blaise. Pansy." Allie greeted as Draco put an arm around Allie's shoulders and pulled her closer to him.

    "Hey." Blaise said.

    "Hi." Pansy said, glaring as she watched Draco smile at Allie. "Snape let you ride the Hogwarts Express this year?" Draco asked.

    "No. McGonagall did." Allie said with a laugh.

    "Can't believe Black escaped from Azkaban. Father says it's supposed to be impossible." Draco said.

    "Why would he? It's obvious they'll find him again and kill him." Pansy said.

    "I guess. But they haven't found him yet." Allie pointed out.

    They were going on the train for a few minutes until it stopped and the lights turned off. Allie screamed and Draco hugged her closer. Suddenly, everything went cold and sad and Allie shivered.

    A cloaked creature was flying outside of their compartment. Allie screamed as a vision came into mind. It was her, when she was a little older than three. She was surrounded by people in black cloaks. One of them grabbed her arm and started burning something into it. The smaller her screamed and cried as the other people held her still so they could continue to burn it into her skin. The Dark Mark.

    Allie opened her eyes to see that she had really been screaming and crying in real life. "It's okay. It's going away." Draco said comfortingly as Allie hugged him and cried.

    The hooded monster flew away from their compartment and Allie knew it was going for Harry's. "No! Harry!" she yelled in fear. Draco held her back as she tried to run. "Allie, no!" Blaise shouted, but Allie had wrestled out of Draco's grip and ran out of the compartment. Blaise blocked the door as Draco tried to follow her.

    Allie ran towards Harry's compartment and found the monstrous creature right outside. She screamed and fell down on her knees, crouching, as the creature terrorized Harry.

    "Allie!" Draco yelled from the compartment, still trying to get past Blaise. Suddenly, a bright blue light shined and the creature flew away.

    A man in shabby robes who looked very ill and tired walked over to Allie and said "Are you alright?"

    "Not really." Allie admitted as he helped her up.

    "I'm Professor Lupin, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. What's your name?" the man said as he and Allie sat down in the compartment. Hermione and Ron were looking at Harry's unconscious body on the floor.

    "I'm Allie. Allie Catter." Allie introduced, looking at Harry.

    "Pleased to meet you, Allie." Lupin said.

    Harry opened his eyes and sat up. "Harry! Are you alright?" Hermione asked as Harry sat down beside Allie, who was sitting beside Lupin.

    "Thanks." Harry said as Ron handed him his glasses.

    "Chocolate. Eat. It'll help." Lupin said, holding out pieces of chocolate to Allie and Harry.

    "What was that thing?" Harry asked.

    "That was a Dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now. It was searching the train for Sirius Black." Lupin explained.

    Suddenly, Draco appeared by the door to the compartment. "Thank goodness you're alright." he said breathlessly to Allie. "Bye guys. Thank you, Professor Lupin." Allie said, smiling to Lupin and standing up to follow Draco back to the compartment.

    "Are you alright, Your Highness?" George asked as Allie passed their compartment. Allie nodded as Draco dragged her away. They sat back down and Blaise said "Don't do that anymore, Allie. Draco was about to kill me." Allie laughed and said "I had to help Harry. Besides, Professor Lupin saved me. And gave me chocolate." She bit the chocolate in her hand.

    Draco frowned. "That shabby man is our new teacher?" he asked.

    "Yes, and he's very nice." Allie answered.

    "Whatever the queen says." Cedric said from the door with a smile. Allie stood up and hugged him. "Are you alright, Allie?" he asked.

    "Yeah, I'm fine. You?"

    "I'm good." Cedric answered. Allie was backing up when Pansy purposely stuck her foot out, causing Allie to trip. She fell backwards, but Draco caught her before she hit the ground.

    "Oops." Pansy said sweetly. Draco glared at Pansy as Allie stood back up. Cedric laughed. "Always someone to catch you if you fall." he said before walking away. Allie smirked and sat back down beside Draco. Draco smiled and put an arm around her shoulders, then he glared at Pansy.

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