Chapter 46: The Second Task

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Allie saw the dream again. She screamed in pain as her Dark Mark burned, but kept her eyes closed so she could see the dream. When it was over, she woke up with her face wet from tears and Draco and all of the other Slytherins standing around her. Draco hugged her and sat back down beside her.

    "What was that all about?" Blaise asked.

    "Just a dream." Allie answered quickly.

    Draco looked at her, knowing what dream she meant. Then she just laid her head back on his shoulder and fell back asleep as the other Slytherins went back to bed.


    The Second Task was the next day, and Allie was especially nervous since Harry had figured out what it meant. She and Draco were official boyfriend/girlfriend now and no one took it as a surprise. They had all been expecting it for the past four years anyway.

    All of the champions were going to have to rescue something from the Merpeople in the Great Lake. Allie hated that place, it was where she got her first injury at Hogwarts. That stupid lake. Someone could get attacked by Grindylows like she had!

    Allie was sitting by Harry in the library and Ron and Hermione were on the other side of the table. Hermione kept ranting about what Harry was going to do to stay underwater for an hour. They hadn't come up with a plan yet. Suddenly, Mad-Eye Moody walked up and said "Hate to break up this scholar session but Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office. Not you Potter or Weasley, just Catter and Granger."

    "But sir, the second task is only hours away and..." Hermione started, but Mad-Eye cut her off.

    "Exactly. Presumably, Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. Go. Now! Longbottom!" Moody shouted. Neville walked over from behind a shelf quickly as Allie and Hermione walked away to McGonagall's office. When they got there, Snape was also in the room, along with Cho Chang and a little girl that looked alot like Fleur.

    "What's going on?" Allie asked.

"As you both know, The Second Task is tomorrow, and some of you may know that the champions are going to have to rescue something from the-" McGonagall started.

"What, no! Harry needs us! We have to-" Allie interrupted, but she stopped talking when McGonagall shot a spell at her and she passed out. Snape caught her limp body before it hit the floor and picked her up. "Not to worry, the champions will rescue you and if not, we will. Allie will be for Mr. Potter to rescue. Miss Granger, Victor Krum will save you. Miss Chang, Mr. Diggory. And Gabrielle, your sister will go for you." McGonagall explained.

"Alright." Cho agreed.

"But Professor, what about Harry? He's still not..." Hermione trailed off. Gabrielle just looked scared and stared at Allie's limp body in Snape's arms.

"Not to worry, dear. You won't be hurt at all." McGonagall assured her, patting her back.

"Alright, I'll do it." Hermione agreed reluctantly. Snape cast a spell towards her and Hermione passed out and floated in the air. He did the same to Cho. Then Grabrielle.

"It's a good thing we did Allie when we did. That girl will put up a fight." McGonagall said with a small laugh. Snape kept a straight face and just looked at Allie, who was peacefully sleeping.


The cannon sounded after Dumbledore finished talking and the champions entered, Mad-Eye Moody pushed Harry into the lake.
Neville, Dean, and Seamus were getting worried since they couldn't see Harry, and Neville turned around and gripped his hair in fear. "Oh my god, I've killed Harry Potter!" he said in horror.

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