Chapter 95: The End of Lord Voldemort

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She was stopped from her thoughts when she was suddenly pulled out of the Great Hall and her real eyes shot open. Voldemort was hovering above her as she lay on the ground.

"You're alive! Thank goodness." he said. "Lucius, carry her."

Voldemort stood and walked away while Lucius walked over and picked Allie up. She didn't really know why she was being carried, but she didn't mind since she felt tired and weak from being injured and having to fly so many times. She rested her head on Lucius' shoulder and closed her eyes, trying to see through Harry's to make sure he was still alive. She figured that Voldemort had accidentally destroyed the horcrux inside of her and she also had realized a long time ago that Harry must have also been a horcrux. Why else would he be able to look into Voldemort's mind?

And so, they walked through the forest, Voldemort leading his army and Lucius carrying Allie while Hagrid carried Harry. Allie was finally able to see through Harry's eyes. They were barely squinted open so he could see Hagrid's beard. Not really seeing the point, Allie left Harry's eyes and returned to her own, but kept them closed.

They all stopped walking after some time and Allie looked around to see that they were outside of the Entrance Hall. All of the Hogwarts army was watching as they approached.

"Who is that? Hagrid's carrying? Neville, who is it?" Ginny Weasley questioned in fear.

"HARRY POTTER...IS DEAD!" Voldemort announced loudly. "No! NO!" Ginny shouted. "Silence! Stupid girl. Harry dead. From this day put your me." Voldemort said. He turned to his army and yelled "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!"

    They all started laughing, Bellatrix's laugh standing out from the rest

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They all started laughing, Bellatrix's laugh standing out from the rest. "And now it is time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us...or die! Allie, come here." That woke Allie up. She raised her head and said "Excuse me, what?"

Lucius set her on the ground and gave her a light push. She slowly and awkwardly walked over to Voldemort, everyone around watching her. She walked in front of him and he grabbed her arm and turned her around. "Come forward and join us!" Voldemort announced once more, playing with a piece of Allie's hair and making her want to run away and die.

"Draco! Oh, Draco." Lucius said, looking at his son. Draco stayed put, showing no emotion but looking from Allie to his parents. "Draco...come." Narcissa said softly.

Draco reluctantly moved away from the Hogwarts crowd and walked towards Voldemort and Allie. "Ah, well done, Draco...well done..." Allie had never felt more uncomfortable in her life. Voldemort was hugging Draco and she had somehow got caught in the middle of the hug as well. It was the most terrible hug ever, Draco just standing there, Allie making a terrified and disgusted face, and Voldemort awkwardly wrapping his arms around both of them.

Finally, the hug was over and Draco had joined his family. Voldemort still had an arm around Allie as Neville limped forward with the Sorting Hat in his hand. Allie smiled sadly at him as Voldemort said "Well, I must say I'd hoped for better." The Death Eaters burst into laughter, some of it fake, but Bellatrix's stood out once again.

"And who might you be, young man?" Voldemort asked. "Neville Longbottom." The Death Eaters once again laughed at poor Neville. "Well, Neville, I'm sure we can
find a place for you in our rank." Voldemort said, ignoring his pathetic followers.

"I'd like to say something." Neville said strongly, regaining courage. "Be brave, Neville." Allie mouthed so that only Neville could see. Voldemort had a mental debate with himself before saying "Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone." Neville started. "Stand down, Neville." Seamus warned, but Neville continued strongly. "People die everyday! Friends, family. Yeah...We lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us. In here." Neville pointed to his heart. "So is Fred...Remus...Tonks...All of them. They didn't die in vain. But you will!" Neville was shouting now and Voldemort was chuckling. "Because you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us! It's not over!" Neville pulled the Sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat at the same time that Harry jumped out of Hagrid's arms.

Voldemort looked shocked and terrified and angry all at once. "Confringo!" Harry shouted, pointing his wand at Nagini. The snake hissed as the curse bounced off of her and hit the Death Eaters behind her.

Raising his wand, Voldemort released Allie and started firing spells at Harry as he ran away. Allie ran towards her friends and looked behind her as she watched Bellatrix yelling as Death Eaters Disapparated away. "No! Come back!" the mad woman shouted. Lucius and Narcissa disappeared into the crowd, but Draco ran to Allie and pulled her into his arms.

The two of them ran towards the castle, hand in hand, as Voldemort and the rest of his army chased after them. They made it to the door, where Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and the rest of the Weasley children were standing. Neville stepped forward, the sword in hand and Voldemort blasted him backward with a spell before Disapparating with Nagini.

Allie and Draco ran into the Great Hall as the battle continued, spells shooting all over the place. They spotted Bellatrix standing on some kind of ledge and firing spells at Ginny. Allie dragged Draco over to the crowd who was watching. They watched as Mrs. Weasley stepped up on the ledge, standing in front of Ginny. "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" Mrs. Weasley shouted.

The two witches began firing spells at each other. Bellatrix was taken aback by how well Mrs. Weasley was doing. The red-haired mother used a spell that froze Bellatrix in place. Molly was about to finish her off, but Allie jumped in front of her, stealing the wand out of Draco's hand.

She raised Narcissa's wand high in the air and yelled "AVADA KEDAVRA!" The curse hit Bellatrix squarely in the chest and she exploded into nothingness. Everyone watched in shock and Allie smiled triumphantly, knowing she had just killed her own godmother who had been torturing her for three years.

Draco grabbed Allie's hand and pulled her off of the ledge. She hopped down and he smashed his lips into hers. When he pulled away, Allie said "What was that for?"

"For killing my aunt." he replied with his signature smirk. Allie smirked back and handed him his mother's wand. Allie and Draco ran to a staircase and looked down to see Nagini chasing Ron and Hermione. "RON! HERMIONE!" Allie screamed as they fell against a pile of rubble, Ron holding Hermione close to him and both of their eyes closed.

Nagini lunged into the air, her mouth wide open and fangs sticking out. But Neville Longbottom jumped at the snake, the Sword of Gryffindor tight in his grasp. Allie and Draco watched with wide eyes as the sword cut straight through the snake's head, killing it. Nagini disappeared, leaving only black darkness behind.

Allie ran out to the area outside of the Entrance Hall, Draco's hand tight in hers. She watched as Voldemort and Harry fired spells at each other, Harry using 'Expelliarmus' and Voldemort 'Avada Kedavra'.

Harry's spell overpowered Voldemort's in the end and the Elder Wand flew from Voldemort's hand. Harry jumped and caught it in his grasp, watching in wonder as Voldemort opened his mouth and looked up at the sky, his body slowly dissolving into pieces and floating into the sky. Allie hadn't noticed a few silent tears going down her cheeks as the man called Tom Marvolo Riddle left the earth.

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