Chapter 51: Memories of a Child

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"Come on, Dumby." Allie agreed happily. Dumbledore rolled his eyes and they left and walked up to Dumbledore's office. When they got there, Allie picked up the first vial and dumped it into the blue whirlpool.

She stuck her face in and saw a three-year-old her being carried by a cloaked figure with a creepy mask. She was screaming and crying and the Death Eater was trying to shush her. Allie realized she was there and she ran after the Death Eater. They were entering a dark building and inside were more Death Eaters.

"We've finally done it. It won't take long. We can return her by morning." the Death Eater that was carrying young Allie said.

Real Allie frowned. Her mother told her she was gone for a year. "Put me down! No!" young Allie screamed. "Yeah. Put me down." real Allie agreed, laughing afterward.

She wished she could tell who the people were, but their masks were blocking their faces.

"Hold her." one of them said.

"I will." another said. It was a girl's voice. A sweet and calm voice. The Death Eater who was carrying young Allie handed the crying girl to the girl Death Eater. The Death Eater tried to calm her down and wiped away her tears. "This seems wrong." she said.

"The Dark Lord chose her, we must be able to keep track of her. To recognize her." another Death Eater said.

The girl Death Eater held young Allie still and lifted up her arm. The Death Eater that had carried her in took out his wand and pressed it against Allie's arm. Young Allie started screaming and crying as the Dark Mark was being burned into her arm.

"Make her stop crying!" a different Death Eater complained, covering his ears. "I can't." the Death Eater holding Allie said.

This went on for about another minute, until it was finally done. Afterward, the girl Death Eater picked young Allie up and calmed her down. Eventually, young Allie fell asleep in the girl Death Eater's arms and the memory ended.

"Very sad. They way the Death Eaters did that to a little girl." Dumbledore said. He and Snape had also watched the memory.

"Let's watch the next one." Allie said, pouring another vial into the Pensieve. She stuck her face in and saw herself again. This time she was about six or seven. Young Allie walked down the staircase in her old house and saw her mom up ahead. She was wearing a black cloak and had a wand in her hand.

Young Allie and real Allie watched as their mom almost Apparated, but young Allie said "Mom?"

Cosmo turned around in shock and said "Allie! Um...You should go back to bed. Come on." "W-what are you doing?" young Allie asked. It was obvious that she was tired.

"Going to work for a night shift. It's dress up day and I'm a witch." Cosmo lied, taking Allie upstairs to her room.

"Go on to sleep now." Cosmo said as Allie climbed into bed. Then, the memory ended. "Why would she do that?" Allie asked angrily. "Dress up day. Yeah right."

There was one memory left. Allie took in a deep breath before pouring it into the Pensieve and sticking her face in. She appeared in her room and ten-year-old her was sitting on her bed and Cosmo was sitting by her.

"Listen Allie, one day, you're going to see this memory. You don't understand any of this now, but that doesn't matter. Just know that I did everything I did just to protect you. All of the lies, secrets, and taking memories. You may think I hate you, but I don't." Cosmo said. Then the memory ended.

"Curious. Very curious." Dumbledore wondered aloud.

"There's all this information. But it doesn't all fit together yet. I need someone to explain it all to me. Someone who knows the whole thing." Allie said, rubbing her temples in frustration.

"I am very confident that you will, one day, learn. For now, you need to go to sleep." Snape said. Allie rolled her eyes as Snape started pushing her out of the room "Bye Dumby!" Allie called. "I told you not to call me that!" Dumbledore called as the door shut behind them.


"Allie, wake up!" Snape said, tapping Allie. She opened her eyes. She was laying on the couch in the Slytherin common room.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing, I just know that sounding scared is the only way to wake you up." Snape answered. Allie rolled her eyes and sat up. "And why do I need to wake up?" she asked.

"Because you're going to the Malfoys. Lucius just sent a letter and said that Draco knew you would still be sleeping and didn't want to wake you."

"Okay." Allie agreed. She ran to her room and got dressed, then returned to the Slytherin common room after making sure she still had her necklace from Draco. She never took it off, but knew that she did lots of crazy things so it could fall off. "Let's go." she told Snape. They Apparated away to Malfoy Manor.

"Allie!" Draco exclaimed as soon as they appeared. He hugged her and said "I missed you."

"I've missed you too." Allie said, smiling. Draco pulled away and kissed her and Snape cleared his throat. Draco pulled away awkwardly and Allie giggled, then hugged Lucius and Narcissa.

"Good to see, dear." Narcissa said sweetly.

"Hello, Allie." Lucius said as Snape Disapparated.

"I've learned something. And it's not good either." Allie said.

"What is it?" Draco asked worriedly.

"My mom is a Death Eater. And she stole some of my memories. My real dad gave his life to get them back, and I watched them yesterday." Allie explained.

"A Death Eater? That explains a lot." Draco said.

"Yeah. I also saw Lockhart again. Poor guy." Allie said, laughing afterward. Draco smiled and said "He was a fraud, Allie. He deserved what he got. Now, come on." He grabbed her hand and led her upstairs.

She went into her room, which hadn't changed since she first came to Malfoy Manor. It was always there whenever she wanted to stay with the Malfoys.

Allie sat down on the bed and Draco sat down by her. "Were the memories bad?" he asked. "Kind of. It's hard seeing your three-year-old self get the Dark Mark burned into your skin." Allie sighed and rested her head on Draco's shoulder. "Do you know why she took the memories and hid you?" Draco asked, brushing a hair out of her face.

"All I know is that she said it was to protect me. I don't know what from."

"I don't know." Draco said in thought.

"There is one person. I think he can explain it all to me, but I don't want to go to him willingly. That would be a death wish."

"Who?" Draco asked with a frown. Allie sighed and closed her eyes. "Voldemort."

Allie Catter: A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now