Chapter 42: The White Ferret

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The past few days had been okay, apart from worrying about The First Task in the Triwizard Tournament. What if someone got hurt? How could they have such dangerous challenges in a school?

One night after class, Allie and Draco were walking down the corridor, on their way back to the common room, and Harry ran up to Allie and said "Allie! Can I talk to you?" Draco glared madly at Harry, but before Allie could answer, Harry had grabbed Allie's arm and dragged her away.

They stood in a quiet area in the courtyard and Allie said "Merlin's beard, Harry! What are you doing?"

"The First Task. It's dragons. They have one for each champion. I told Cedric because Fleur and Krum already know. What do I do?" Harry asked desperately. Allie stood there in shock and thought, then said "I don't know how to defeat a dragon! But, I guess you could try and think of what you're good at, then use that against the dragon. Maybe ask Professor Moody. He knows all about that kind of stuff. Not me."

"Thanks, Allie." Harry agreed. He walked away and Allie rejoined Draco, who was waiting patiently.

"What did Potter want?" he asked coldly.

"Oh-um...he was just asking me a question about the Potions homework." Allie lied.

"Yes well. He was surprisingly right about who to ask."

"I am very talented when it comes to Potions. I was taught by the talented Severus Snape."

"People should associate that word with my name more often." Snape said from behind them. Allie and Draco jumped and turned around. Snape smiled slightly and said "Anyway, I am here to tell you to get back to the common room. It is almost curfew."

"Merlin's beard!" Allie said in surprise, causing Snape and Draco to chuckle. "Now go." Snape ordered. Allie nodded and walked away with Draco.


The next day, Allie and Draco were sitting in a tree with the rest of Draco's gang of friends standing around it. Allie was very high up and scared to come down, but Draco had said "It's the only way for you to relax. Stopping thinking about the stupid tournament."

Allie had noticed people wearing badges but hadn't been able to read what they said. She also noticed Draco had one.

Harry walked towards the tree after yelling at Ron, and Draco shouted "Why so tense Potter? My father and I have a bet you see." Draco hopped out of the tree and strutted closer to Harry. "I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five!"

Two shocking things happened to Draco at once. First, Allie fell out of the tree and he caught her, and then, Harry stormed over to him and yelled "I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks, Malfoy! He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic!" Draco was too shocked to even put Allie down. Then he realized and set her on her feet.

As Harry walked away angrily, Draco pulled out his wand and was about to shout a spell. Suddenly, Mad-Eye Moody appeared and turned Draco into a white ferret. Allie screamed and backed away into the tree.
"I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!" Moody shouted angrily. He waved his wand and Ferret-Draco went up and down in the air as Mad-Eye shouted "You stinking coward!"

Professor McGonagall ran over and said "Professor Moody! What are you doing?" in surprise.

"Teaching." Moody replied.

"Is-is that a student?" McGonagall asked in fear.

"Technically, it's a ferret." Mad-Eye waved the ferret around some more, then sent it into Crabbe's pants. Crabbe moved around uncomfortably as Harry laughed. Mad-Eye winked at him. Eventually, the ferret came back out of Crabbe's pants and McGonagall transformed him.

"My father will hear about this!" Draco shouted angrily.

"Is that a threat?" Moody shouted angrily. Draco looked at him in fear, then grabbed Allie's arm and ran away while Moody shouted "I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! It doesn't end here!"

"Draco, wait! Slow down!" Allie shouted as Draco continued to run, dragging her along. They eventually stopped behind a bench. Cedric was laying on it, surrounded by his many friends. Allie finally noticed what the badge said: Potter Stinks.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy! Why on earth would you say such things? And where did that badge come from?" Allie asked in anger.

"" Draco trailed off.

Suddenly, Cedric appeared beside Allie and said "Hello to my favorite Slytherin. And you, Draco. You know, Allie, you may be the only Slytherin I like."

Draco raised his eyebrows intimidatingly and Cedric just smiled and said "Don't worry about me. I've got this tournament under control. Now continue yelling at Malfoy, will you. My friends and I think it's a great show." With that, Cedric sat back down on the bench with Draco glaring at him.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Draco?" Allie asked.


"Well good. Now take that stupid badge off and let's go eat. Oh, and you better be thankful that Buckbeak wasn't around, his favorite food is dead ferret." Allie said. Draco rolled his eyes and followed her to the Great Hall.

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