Chapter 12: Answers

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Allie woke up in Snape's office and looked around. There was a note on the small table beside her. She yawned and pulled the blankets off, then she leaned over and picked up the piece of paper. 'Come to my classroom once you wake up. From Snape'. Allie sighed and stood up.

    She didn't have to worry about changing into robes, since she was still wearing them from last night. Allie walked out of Snape's office and made the short journey to the Potions classroom.

    "Ahh. You're awake." Snape said as Allie walked in. She yawned and nodded. "You can just sit down, your class will be in here next." Snape instructed.

    Allie nodded and sat down beside a brown haired boy. "I'm Cedric Diggory." he said, holding out his hand. "Third year."

    "I'm Allie Catter. First year." Allie said, shaking his hand. He looked at the mark and frowned. Allie explained to him what it was and he couldn't believe it. "That's awful." he said.

    "Quiet Mr. Diggory." Snape ordered, staring at Cedric. Allie held back a laugh, seeing as he didn't scold her. Cedric just smiled and turned back to Snape who was talking in a very boring voice about boomslang skin.

    Allie decided to start taking notes, she was always very interested in Potions and the best in her year, apart from Hermione.

    Snape smiled, seeing her fit right in and continued teaching. Soon, it was time for the third years to leave and Cedric said "Talk to you later, Allie. Hopefully we can be friends."

    "Bye Cedric." Allie said, waving.

    Snape walked down to where Allie was sitting and sat down. "You slept through all your classes but Potions, thankfully." he said with a slight smile.

    "I find boomslang skin very interesting, it makes me wonder why you sound so bored." Allie said teasingly with a grin.

    "I've taught Potions for ten years. It can get boring." Snape told her.

    "I suppose, if you teach the same things."

    Just then, the class started coming in and Snape moved out of the way just in time for Draco to come bolting to Allie. He hugged her and said "Where have you been?"

    "Asleep in Snape's office." Allie stated with a laugh.

    "Before you ask, Miss Catter is fine Mr. Malfoy. It was a good thing she stayed." Snape said, stopping Draco from speaking.

    Draco looked to Allie in fear. "It was just a nightmare." she told him.

    "Oh good." Draco said, letting out a breath of relief.


    Later that day, Allie was walking in the courtyard with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. She had wanted to make sure they were okay after the night before's events. "I've always heard Hogwarts' end of the year exams were frightful, but I found that rather enjoyable." Hermione rambled. Allie had to make up her exams just before then and she luckily finished them very fast.

    "Speak for yourself. Alright there, Harry?" Ron asked, turning to Harry, who was rubbing his scar.

    "My scar, it keeps burning." Harry said.

    "So does my mark." Allie said, rubbing her arm.

    "It's happened before." Hermione said.

    "Not like this." Harry said.

    "Perhaps you should see a nurse." Ron suggested.

    "I think it's a warning. It means dangers coming. Uhh!" he rubbed his head and Allie clenched her arm. "Oh. Of course!" Harry exclaimed, running down towards Hagrid's.

    "What is it?" Hermione asked as the three of them followed Harry.

    "Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger shows up and just happens to have one? I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? Why didn't I see it before? Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg?" Harry asked as Hagrid stopped playing his flute. "What did he look like?"

    "I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up." Hagrid answered. Allie shivered at the memory of the hooded figure.

    "The stranger, though, you and he must have talked?" Harry questioned.

    "Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I told him. I said, 'After Fluffy, a dragon's gonna be no problem.'" Hagrid answered.

    "And did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Harry asked.

    "Well, of course he was interested in Fluffy! How often do you come across a three headed dog, even if you're in the trade? But I told him. I said, 'The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him. Take Fluffy, for example, just play him a bit of music and he falls straight to sleep.'" Hagrid replied.

    All four of them gasped and gaped at him. "I shouldn't have told you that." Hagrid realized. Allie, Harry, Ron, and Hermione took off running as Hagrid shouted "Where are you going? Wait!"

    The four of us barged into McGonagall's classroom. "We have to see Professor Dumbledore immediately." Harry said urgently.

    "I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here. He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London." McGonagall said.

    "He's gone? Now! But this is important! It's about the Sorcerer's Stone!" Harry shouted. McGonagall had a look of shock on her face.

    "Someone's going to try and steal it!" Harry finished.

    "I don't know how you four found out about the stone, but I can assure you it is perfectly well-protected. Now would you go back to your dormitories? Quietly." McGonagall ordered.

    All four of them walked out and Harry said "That was no stranger Hagrid met in the village. It was Snape, which means he knows how to get past Fluffy."

    "And with Dumbledore gone." Hermione said.

    "How can you be sure it's Snape! He never did anything to prove it. Quirrell. He's more of a suspect. He was there that night too." Allie said defensively. Suddenly, Snape appeared behind them and put his hands on Allie's shoulders. "Hello, Professor." she said, hugging him and glaring at Harry so Snape couldn't see.

    "Good afternoon. Now, what would three young Gryffindors such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?" Snape said, hugging Allie closer. "And with a member of my own house."

    "Uh, we were just..." Hermione started.

    "You want to be careful. People will think you're," Snape and Harry glared at each other. "up to something." Snape finished.

    Snape pulled out of the hug and left. Harry looked at Allie in disgust. "Why do you like him?"

    Hermione rolled her eyes and said "Now what do we do?"

    "We go to the trapdoor. Tonight." Harry declared. Everyone nodded.


    Allie and Draco were sitting on the couch. Allie didn't know how to get Draco away so she could leave. Then she had an idea. She grabbed a book and sat there, reading for a few minutes.

    "This is boring. Goodnight." Draco said, getting up and heading towards his dormitory. "Goodnight." Allie replied, grinning at how well her plan worked. She instantly put down the book and left the common room, going to find the others. They met up in front of the door to the third floor corridor.

    "Ready Allie?" Harry asked.

    Allie took a deep breath. "Yep."

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