Chapter 11: Undead High

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A/N: Hey, readers! Chapter 11 is finally here :D Hope everyone had a great week; mine sure was busy :) Anyway...Enjoy <3 Thanks for reading!

Chapter 11: Undead High

   I couldn't move. I felt paralyzed as the vampires watched me with mild interest as I weakly squirmed. Beneath their gazes, I was terrified, but it never shown on my face.

   The compulsion slowly filling the air, unspoken and all, kept me from speaking out or screaming. No sound came out, even as I felt the vehicle pull away from the curb.

   Oh, God...

   "Ms. Drake?"

   Unwillingly, I turned to face the vampire, who turned out to be Heidi Salvatore. The other Guard members looked on intently, but I ignored them for the time being. "Yes?" The small word felt heavy on my tongue. I was forced to speak now, and I internally hated the feeling. I was so damn screwed, it wasn't even comical.

   Not that it had ever been...

   I watched with dull eyes as Heidi nudged the youth beside her. It was Sibyl Graves. The brunette took out a crumpled photo. It was faded as well. She held it out for me to see, blank eyes locked on me. She clutched her throat suddenly, almost as if in demonstration.

   I looked from her to the photo. A young boy smiled at me, dressed in something considered old-fashioned this day and age. At first, I didn't recognize him. Then those eyes brought out a recent memory.

   Luke Kelly...

   My eyes returned to Sibyl, who still had a hand to her throat; she gritted her teeth in frustration. I suddenly got the message. "Is Luke Kelly alive?" When she nodded fiercely, I took a shaky breath. "For now, he is."

   "Where exactly is he, human?" Heidi asked of me, moody eyes stuck on me. I bit my lip – not wanting to speak, but I didn't have a choice. The compulsion choked the answer from me. "The Agency."

   I saw Nicholas raise a brow in surprise. "Will he be executed?"

   I shook my head, and it forced a laugh from the vampire. "That's too bad. That bastard knew too much about the business he was involved in." He turned to Heidi. "But Charlotte will be relieved that he isn't dead yet."

   Wait a minute... I sat forward, ready to protest, when a cool sensation ran through me. I let out a whimper as I felt hands on my shoulders. "Relax, hunter."

   "I'm not a-"

   "Irrelevant," Heidi bit out, anger flashing in her dark eyes. Taking an unnecessary breath, she leaned back. "We're going to Dusk to Dawn now."

   Why, I wanted to ask, but my voice had left me once more. Still, Heidi saw my confusion, and chuckled a bit. "Our master requested for you. We don't disobey direct orders."

   Our master...

   No... Oliver?

   The ride felt longer, maybe because of my lack of resistance to the powers of the Crimson Guard. My will was weakened – nearly gone – but I still tried to think, to guess what was going on. It was because of Oliver, then. I was taken from home because he wanted to see me.

   This couldn't be good at all.

   And it was guaranteed to end terribly.

   As the limousine came to a gradual stop, I could suddenly move my body. It wouldn't last, but I had to...

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