Chapter 14: Intervention

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A/N: Hey, everyone! Here's chapter 14, super early because of a family matter :D Going out to celebrate! Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter, thanks for reading <3 Be prepared for answers and...well, drama, I guess :P Okay, then! Enjoy!

Chapter 14: Intervention

   "Toni!" Ethan called out to me from above, his face twisted in frustration. I felt adrenaline enter my bloodstream, but before I could reach the steps, something grabbed onto my arm.

   It was the boy... the newborn.


   I clenched my teeth together as Derek held me in place, all while Charlotte silently watched. The girl holding Ethan laughed and whispered something to my friend, which made him struggle that much harder. Damn it, we were outnumbered here....

   "Run, Toni!" Ethan yelled, blue eyes blazing. "I'll distract them! Just go!"

   "I don't think so," Charlotte's smooth voice broke into my head, and I shuddered. This wouldn't end well for either of us... Swallowing tightly, I looked at the master vampire. "H-he's has nothing to do with th-this, Charlotte. This is between you and-"

   "That's where you're wrong, Ms. Drake," she interrupted sharply. "You honestly have no clue why I'm here, so don't just assume." Her words washed over me, and my body was suddenly under control. Damn compulsion... not fair.

   Not at all.

   "Now..." the vampire's gaze lifted to where Ethan was. "I can only observe you hunters for the time being. Are you special to each other?"

   "If you touch him-" I began in a hiss, but Charlotte merely laughed in my face. "So outspoken for a hunter of your age and experience." I felt Derek's newborn presence disappear, and my eyes slowly met that of my dear friend's.


   I willed him to get away; I hoped he wouldn't get mixed up with Charlotte, Oliver, and the Crimson Guard. He wouldn't survive if he got involved. No, it'd end in a bloodbath. I saw Charlotte move away from me, and it looked as if she were heading toward Ethan and the human girl. No...

   "Ethan, get out of here!"

   "No!" the blue-eyed boy protested, his tone heated. "I'll help y-"

   "I don't think so!" the girl hissed loudly. Her long black hair and brown eyes were both wild as she gazed upon my friend. It was then that Ethan snapped into action. He jerked in the girl's grip, and it was almost too easy. Halfway through the scuffle, I caught Charlotte grinning from the sidelines.

   Oh no...

   Too late, I realized what was happening. The girl lost her balance there, and Ethan had no time to catch her before the human slipped on the steps and toppled over the edge. I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard the thud of the girl falling down the stairs to land at my feet. Charlotte let out a satisfied sound, and advanced. "Finally. Adrienne will be able to join her brother now." Her eyes went to Derek. "Sweetheart, your sister's here." The newborn growled, and ice fell into my veins.

   Oh, God... The girl had been the sister of the newborn. Now, they were both...

   As the master vampire dropped to her knees – probably to give the corpse her blood – I carefully met Ethan's eyes. Those orbs of ice were wide, shocked even. No, he was probably horrified. He hadn't meant to... "Ethan..." 

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