Chapter 19: Ashes to Ashes

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A/N: Part 2, here's chapter 19! :D Thanks for being patient ;) Please enjoy and thanks for reading, everyone! <3

Chapter 19: Ashes to Ashes

   Oliver's grip was like steel as he held me close to him. The warehouse was quiet once more, and I could hear the distant sounds of the nightclub scene nearby.

   Damn it...

   I knew I was on my own.

   The vampire, his smile never wavering, pushed me against the dusty wall, his towering form consuming my own. Eyes wide, I tried to squirm out of his hold, but it wasn't enough. Oliver was too strong...

   Laughing breathily, the vampire released my shoulders, but his hands took my face instead. Long fingers tightening on my jaw, Oliver used his strength to tilt my face upward, so that he could expose my neck, no doubt.

   Trying to dislodge his hands would be difficult, but I still attempted to anyway. It didn't really help.

   Oliver leaned into me, dark eyes alight. "It's strange. I kept hoping that Sibyl would've been right as she always has been. Unfortunately, my dear, I don't see myself dying at your clumsy human hands."

   I whimpered when Oliver put pressure on my chin, and soon his mouth left my sight. Teeth brushed against my exposed throat, and I thrashed harder.

   No use...

   The vampire inhaled deeply before he continued. "Tell me, Antoinette Drake, are you confident enough to end my existence?" He chuckled. "I'm glad you're finally able to fight me as a true hunter, but you don't seem ready." He leaned back a bit and watched me. "If you don't stop me and Charlotte, your loved ones will die."

   "Is... that a... promise?" I growled out, gaining resolve at the mention of my Grandma and Liz. Damn it, I had to do this... If I didn't, I couldn't imagine how Oliver would torture them. Liz and Grandma... they depended on me!

   "It seems that Sibyl was wrong about you. Maybe you won't be the death of me."

   I grunted in plain disgust as I pushed against the vampire's hand. "What... makes you think she was wrong?"

   Oliver chuckled, and when my free hands raised to grab his outstretched arms, he batted them away with ease. "You want to know, Antoinette Drake? It seems fair to tell you. Either I die, or you do. Then again, my offer to turn you instead still stands."

   Like Hell! Renewed with strength, I pushed at Oliver with all I had. He took a step back, but his grip wasn't shaken. Not at all.


   "That's too bad," Oliver visibly pouted, his smile never fading. "I was hoping you would choose immortality over death, but I guess it isn't for everyone." With that said, he leaned toward my throat again. "Still, can I taste it? Your blood?"

   Not like I could say no... That compulsion of his was still thickening the atmosphere. The area around me was tight and showed no signs of lessening. Weakly, I tried to push Oliver back, but he wasn't budging. Fangs brushed my throat again before the pain truly set in. His fangs entered me smoothly; too smoothly. I barely felt anything.

   No pain, no pleasure...


   Oliver's grip on my shoulder lessened, but when I brought my hands up to shove him away, my body wouldn't cooperate with my brain. I had no control now... I tried begging... anything to get him to stop taking blood. I did everything... except for accepting his offer to join him. No way...

Into the Darkness (Prequel to The Hunters Saga)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant