Chapter 15: The Thing About Curiosity

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A/N: Hey, everyone! Sorry I'm so late :/ I had a long day...Anyway, I'm here now and so is chapter 15 :D Hope you enjoy this lengthy chapter! Thanks for being patient <3

Chapter 15: The Thing About Curiosity

   Oliver's sickening laughter filled the conference room, and fear clutched at the hunters. I didn't try to move, didn't try to get away. Nicholas Todd had a tight grasp on my arm, and I was naturally frozen to the spot. The master vampire before me held my gaze, and I swallowed hard.

   How would this end?

   After all, I was the hunter who would allegedly kill the vampire standing in front of my eyes. At this point, I couldn't believe it. Such a feat was damn near impossible, especially for me. I couldn't protect my friends, even know. How was I supposed to-

   "Ms. Drake." My eyes tentatively searched to find Ryan Church staring at me. He nodded. "If what Oliver says is true, he can't lay a finger on you."

   A deep scoff resounded from the ancient vampire. "Why is that, Ryan?" He leaned toward me with a widening grin that revealed his long, sharp fangs. "Don't tell me this girl is your secret weapon in keeping me in check. That would be... unfortunate..." Something shined in those dark eyes, and I barely had the chance to brace myself. Nicholas' grip disappeared completely, but was soon replaced by Oliver's.

   Damn it!

   "Ah, Antoinette Drake," Oliver hissed into my exposed ear, forcing me to shudder. His hands on me were surprisingly warm compared to that of Nicholas. Huh. "I can't wait to see what you have planned when the time comes. It's your destiny, after all." He leaned closer. "I'm giddy with anticipation."

   Whimpering when his mouth left my ear and descended to my throat, I broke from his gaze and looked around the room. Ethan and Ashley were still restrained, and the Order members seemed worried.

   No shit...

   My eyes focused on Ryan Church, who had set his lips into a straight line. "Oliver, you know you can't target Antoinette."

   "And why can't I?" the vampire asked, his mouth still against my throat. I hadn't felt any pain whatsoever. He hadn't bitten me... yet.

   "Because she isn't an official hunter. Not yet, at least," Ryan answered, his gaze unwavering as the ancient vampire watched him with interest. Yes... what he said was true, but... would that really stop Oliver from attacking me?

   Probably not.

   "You do have a point, Ryan," Oliver eventually admitted, his smile quickly returning. "However, I will still continue to regard this human as my destined killer, regardless of her status as a vampire hunter."

   Well, shit.

   "Why are you so interested in someone fated to end your existence, Mr. Blackwell?" The woman that stood at Ryan's side spoke up. When the vampire focused on her, she shrunk back slightly. "It's just a little... shocking."

   "I suppose it is. The reason for my interest in this girl is quite simple," Oliver voiced calmly, almost casually. "For the first time in centuries, I'm untrusting of Sibyl's gift. Yes, she's never been wrong so far, but this time? I don't believe her latest visions."

   I could just feel Sibyl slump in dejection at his blunt words. Oliver meant what he said, but I couldn't blame him for being doubtful. Still, if what she'd foreseen had been correct, then Oliver wouldn't leave me alone. He'd wait for me to attack him first. The result would more than likely end in my death, not his.

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