Chapter 12: The Questionnaire

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A/N: Surprise, readers! Chapter 12 is here extra early :D It's all because of YOU that I've made Wattpad a second home. I really do love this site, if not for the amazing people that I've gotten to meet since June of last year ^_^ Happy Thanksgiving, guys <3 I appreciate everything you do and continue to do ~ Enjoy the chapter! ;) Thanks for reading~

Chapter 12: The Questionnaire

   "Ms. Drake, how about you start off? What do you want to know?"

   My head was still spinning. I couldn't focus in this state. A sense of déjà vu hit me hard, and my head lulled back, toward the ancient vampire at my side.

   Oliver Blackwell.

   I had no chance to swallow; my mouth was unnaturally dry, even after downing that damn drug. I feared... I feared I was vulnerable here, under Oliver's complete and utter mercy. I knew that much, but it didn't seem to matter.

   This was impossible to overcome. I had no weapons or defense to use against the master vampires. I couldn't call for help. I was... in deep shit, to put it simply. All before I became an actual hunter, I'd die like one...

   I struggled to keep my eyes open as I gazed at Oliver, thinking over his question; it was a pretty simple one, after all. Biting my lip furiously, I asked in all honesty. "Are you going to kill me?" The room plunged into silence. I rephrased the question. "Am I going to die?"

   A deep, throaty laugh reached my ears, shocking me. Oliver flashed his fangs at me, clearly amused. "Straight to the point, hmm? My dear, if I wanted you dead right now, you wouldn't even be here." He paused. "I only wish to talk."

   I bit out a strained grunt. "Dead right now?" That made me suddenly nervous, but Oliver waved it off as pure syntax. "I only meant that you're not dead because we're going to discuss a few things. Isn't that better than death?"

   I couldn't be sure...

   "T-then why am I here?"

   "To exchange information," Oliver explained slowly before sitting back. "Now, for my question. Are you ready?" I'd barely nodded when he continued. "What do you know about your parents' legacy?"

   "My p-parents?"

   "Yes," his face broke into another grin. "They were quite the hunters. Did you know, Antoinette, that they were considered internationally for the title of the best hunters associated with the Agency?"

   Really? I hadn't known that. To be honest, I still knew so little about my parents.

   "Of course," Oliver went on, "your parents intrigued me from the very beginning. As news of their skills spread across the globe, I began to expect. They were... treasures to a vampire such as me. Do you understand?"

   I shook my head numbly. "Why were you interested?"

   That grin broadened significantly. "Well, your Father, for one, crossed paths with me once upon a time. Shockingly enough, I barely made my escape unscathed. He was a member of the Order back then, so he regularly trained for monsters like me." He leaned back. "As for your Mother, I've only heard rumors; rumors of how she was at the top of her training. How her family wasn't involved with the Agency at all." Dark eyes honed in on me. "Hunting was foreign to her, yet she still managed to be the best in her field."

   I swallowed at this news. It was nice hearing about my parents, but not if it came from a master vampire... Could he know their killer? The vampire watched me tack it all in before gaining my attention once more. "Your next question?"

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