Epilogue: A New Mission

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A/N: It's finally here! Sorry for the wait, guys :3 This is the end X[ I hope you're ready for this... Okay I won't spend a lot of time building up the suspense, just don't forget to read the last A/N at the bottom! Thanks for reading and enjoy <3

Epilogue: A New Mission

   No hunter knew of the dangers that hid far beneath the city of Manhattan. The clan was still stirring in the darkness, and Charlotte Blackwell was impatiently waiting. It'd been nearly a week since Oliver had been reduced to ashes at the hands of Antoinette Drake.

   Oh, how it angered Charlotte to know that. She wished she had been there to rip that damn human's throat out and let her scream as Oliver finished the job. The ancient vampire hadn't left the city like everyone was led to believe. She had to watch over the clan now, after all. It was her duty as master vampire.

   A scuffling noise caught Charlotte's attention, and she quickly got into a defensive stance. "Who-" A hiss left her as her eyes fell upon the visitor of her chamber. A vampire she'd seen before but wasn't well acquainted with. He wasn't one of her creations.

   What was his name again?

   The newcomer was tall; maybe a head taller than Charlotte. His dark hair tickled his pale neck, and his eyes were certainly confident as they watched the blonde beauty.

   "Charlotte Blackwell, it's a pleasure to see you again," the vampire began with a small bow at the waist. "Do you remember me, by any chance? Oliver is my sire."

   "He was your sire," Charlotte bit out before realization finally dawned. She did know him; through her husband no less. She remembered the night he'd joined the clan as a bloodthirsty newborn.

   All while Charlotte remembered, the younger vampire gave her a polite smile. "You do remember me, don't you? I'm the vampire that began life as a hunter. Not so long ago, I was turned by Oliver Blackwell as he visited this city." He tilted his head to the side. "Do you remember my name, at least?"

   Charlotte's eyes narrowed. So, this... This was...

   "Robert. Robert Drake."

   That smile only widened, and Charlotte felt apprehension fill the air. If Oliver had turned this one, did he have an ability? He had to... She had yet to discover it, of course.

   Robert moved forward a bit, which angered Charlotte. "So, why are you here, Robert? To pay your respects to your sire?" This made him laugh outright. "Why would I thank that monster for turning me? He ruined my life forever." He paused. "Do you know who ended his existence, Charlotte?"

   Word of her husband's demise hadn't quite reached the clan as a whole. The evidence that Antoinette Drake was responsible was too good to glance over. Charlotte stood a little straighter as she answered. "It hasn't been confirmed yet, and the council has seemingly been left out of investigation, but my theory is that it was the work of one of the hunters."

   Robert sighed loudly, which caused Charlotte to flinch. Why was she so afraid of a vampire that was far less powerful than her? Could it be the atmosphere that surrounded him, or his presence as a whole?

   "Do you have a name yet?"

   Charlotte shook her head quickly. "No. It's too soon to narrow it down a few names. Soon, though..." She looked away from the other vampire, her muscles clenching. Soon, I'll be able to avenge my husband. Oliver is gone, yes, but I hope that revenge for him can still bloom in time."

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