Chapter 13: Tourist Trap

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A/N: Happy Friday, dear readers! It's time for chapter 13! Oh, lucky 13 :P Enjoy, and thanks so much for reading <3

Chapter 13: Tourist Trap

   My alarm didn't wake me the next morning. Neither did my family. The house was empty when I prepared for another day of training. I couldn't say I was ready to face Ethan and the others and try to hide last night's situation from everyone. If I wasn't careful, Ethan would know just by searching my face.


   I didn't bother calling my friend to tell him I'd be late. There was no point, really. As soon as I was at the terminal, taking the steps down, I gripped my hand – the one that still shown with a scar. It no longer throbbed, but it was still a dead giveaway.

   Each level of the Agency was relatively busy, and I saw some vaguely familiar faces popping up randomly. Huh. The door to the training room was propped open, so entering was a simple task. The trainees as Ms. Frazer weren't the only ones waiting for me, apparently. Ryan Church's light gray eyes – naturally set on me in disdain – hardened as soon as I came over the threshold.

   Of all of the days for me to be late...

   "Sleep in, Ms. Drake?" Ethan's Mother called, not meeting my petrified gaze. I swallowed stiffly before clearing my throat. "I had a rough night, sorry."

   Ryan Church, leader of the Order, had to be here for a reason... He just had to be. Usually, the Order never remained in the sector for long periods of time. Their home base was located in Washington D.C., after all.

   Ms. Frazer shook her head and nodded at my empty seat. "Thanks for joining us. Today, the Order has requested to make an announcement." Her cool blue eyes shifted to the esteemed Order member.

   Mr. Church nodded formally. "Good morning, everyone. I'm taking the time to remind you all that, in just a few weeks from now, you will be taking part in the orchestrated final exam." He looked over at the board, covered in written tips. We'd had a review, damn it... "I must warn you, it won't be a particularly predictable test; not one you can actually study for." He met the gazes of the trainees. "However, I want you to be prepared for anything and everything. The Order wishes you good luck." Before he turned away, a hand was raised.

   It was Clary. "Is there a reason for the Order's presence here?" When Ryan's gaze steeled, she continued, less confident to say the least. "I mean, the other sectors need as much attention and guidance, don't they?"

   The adult hunter lifted an eyebrow. "I guess you could be right. However, Manhattan currently has the highest death rate, not to mention the disappearances. More hunters must be sent out to handle this growing supernatural population problem." I took a deep breath when Ryan continued. "To be perfectly honest with you all, New York as a whole is in a state of red alert. Master vampires are the main causes for our active presence."

   Ms. Frazer added. "Extra measures have to be conducted, thanks to the arrival of Oliver Blackwell and his Guard." My shoulders automatically tensed at the mere mention of the ancient monsters.

   "Aside from our observance for the next few weeks or so," Ryan Church went on firmly. "Missions for you trainees will be restricted to day-only. Solo missions at night are now prohibited until our complications with the vampires are officially settled." He turned to me suddenly, but still spoke to the class. "If you feel the need to go out at night; if it's strictly mandatory, you are only able if three or more hunters accompany you. No going out alone." His eyes left my seat and swept the room. "I know this all may seem drastic, but it won't last. It will remain like this for the safety of you, our next generation of hunters."

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