Chapter 4: Dance of the Forest Fairies

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Kenneth and his parents had reached the shore line of the beach. Just in time, the gillyweed had expired and their hands and feet had returned to normal. Being underwater for that long felt exhilarating for young Kenneth. He had never seen such wonder under the waves. He knew that he would like to go back down again.

Grabbing towels from the tables that were set up on the beach, they began to dry off from the saltwater. Something, however, caught Kenneth's mind that he almost completely forgot.

"Mum? Dad?" he asks.

"Yes?" they both say in unison. Mr. Russell was busy rubbing the salt off his face with his towel and Mrs. Russell was drying off her hair.

"When I tried to save the siren and a javelin just skinned passed my face,why did they stop? I mean, they could've easily thrown more and I would've been a goner."

"It was me," his mother responded, now taking out a second towel from her bag to wrap around her thick dreadlock hair. "I managed to getto the colony in time to prevent a dozen javelins from being thrown."

"It was you?" Kenneth asked shocked. "You could've been attacked! Merpeople don't trust humans."

"Likewise," she said with a more serious tone. "What you did was reckless and dangerous. They could have easily killed you."

"I'm sorry," Kenneth says guiltily, "When I saw her trapped, I wasn't thinking and I wanted to help her."

"But...that being said," her eyes softening, "That was very brave of you. You put yourself at risk to save another. I managed to yell at them to not throw the javelins at you in merfolk. They were surprised and confused that I could speak their language."

"Really?" Kenneth asks, now wrapping his towel around his waist.

"Yes," she says, finished tying her towel turban. "I told them to watch what you're trying to do. The King was hesitant, but relented when his mate decided to trust me. At the end of it all, it worked out for the best."

"I guess so," Kenneth said relieved.

"Now," his father's turn to speak. "What you demonstrated was a multiple display of Hogwarts house qualities that I think the Sorting Hat will have a hard time deciding where you'll be." He finishes with a wink.

"I guess so," Kenneth responds with a laugh. "I hope the siren is alright."

"Sirena,"his mother responds.


"The young siren's name is Sirena...and I think she may be fond of you after that," she adds teasingly.

"Great," Kenneth says, rolling his eyes. "A mermaid has fallen in love with a mortal."

His parents bursted into laughter with that joke.

"Jokes are the best medicine to cut the tension of any serious situation,Kenneth." his father says. "Use it to your advantage. Now let's go home. I need to take these to Brownie so she can cook them."gesturing towards a medium size net that contained red coloured crustaceans.

"What's in there?" Kenneth asks, he had just noticed the net.

"Lobster," he says back. "While you were exploring the ocean, I went on ahead and captured some so we could have for today's dinner."

"Sounds good," Kenneth said, his stomach beginning to growl. He loved eating lobster.

With that, they gathered their things and headed back home. When they arrived, Mr. Russell gave the the lobsters to Brownie to boil and cook them. Kenneth offered to help and Brownie happily accepted the help. Brownie was a fantastic cook. She could make the best breakfast, lunches, dinners and desserts. That day she made lobster with a complimentary salad to go with it. After dinner was finished,everyone went to take showers to get all the salt off their bodies.

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