comic-con pt. 1

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this requires a bit of back story. you're a character on the walking dead. you and Chandler are super close but just friends, yet everyone knows you two have a thing for each other. your character, sylvia (that will always be her name for Chandler imagines where you're on the show) and Carl are together on tv, so you and Chandler naturally have to be close, because your character's are kissing and having sex lmao. a few members of the cast have been asked to attend comic-con. you and Chandler are both seventeen. this will take place the day and night before, part two will be the morning of, and part three will be during the conference! enjoy part one!!
p.s. pretend you're in California because after reading this over several times, I remembered that twd is filmed in Atlanta sooo
ring ring ring

     you walked over to the counter and picked your phone up

"hello?" you asked

"hey, y/n" Norman said. you and Norman have been best buds ever since you joined the cast in season 2

"hey, Norman. what's up?" you asked, holding your phone to your ear with your shoulder, cleaning the counter off

"Lauren and I will be there to pick you up later to get to the hotel in San Diego, you ready?"

"yeah, I just gotta pack my phone charger then I'll be set"

"cool, see ya later, y/n"

"bye" you said, hanging up the phone.

     you finished cleaning up around the house before getting your stuff ready. you live with your twenty year old sister and she wasn't home. she had to go out of town for a business trip for half the month. she felt really bad about not coming to see you but you told her you'd be fine.

    about two hours later, you heard a knock on your door. you turned the TV off and grabbed your charger and opened the door to reveal Norman and Lauren

"you guys wanna come in?"

"nah we should prolly hit the road" Norman said

"yeah, you're right"

"where're your bags?" Norman asked

"right here" you said, motioning to your luggage

"I'll get it" he said, grabbing your suitcase

"thank you" you guys walked out the door to the car. you noticed someone in the back seat "who is that?" you asked

"Chandler, he needed a ride too"

"oh" you breathed. you got in the car and sat next to Chandler while Norman put your bags in the trunk

"hey" he said

"hey" you answered situating yourself in the seat

"you ready for this?"

"so ready" you giggled.
     soon enough, you were on the road. you drove, and drove some more. you and Chandler talked about everything, and by the time you were almost to San Diego, your legs were laid across Chandler's, and Chandler's arms slumped across them. you and Chandler both were becoming very slap happy and couldn't control your crackheadness. you giggled and giggled on, until finally, you reached the hotel. it was well past dark, and you were well past tired

"Chandler help me get their bags" Norman said

"thank you" you and Lauren said at the same time, then you looked at each other and giggled.

"look at those fine gentlemen" you giggled to Lauren as you watched them get your bags. you all walked in the hotel and got your key. you went upstairs to be met with the majority of the cast. you all greeted each other and went back to your rooms.

"who am I sharing a bed with?" you asked, as there were two beds, but four people.

"me" Lauren spoke up

"okay cool. I'm gonna get a quick shower" you said, grabbing your pajamas and soap and stuff.

time skip whoosh

       after you finished your shower, you brushed your teeth and walked back into the room.

"showers free if anybody else wants one" you said, laying down "goodnight" you huffed. Norman started being silly and you were silly right back. together, the two of you could make every single person on earth laugh. while Lauren was in the shower, you and Norman were throwing pillows at each other, and shooting a funny insult as you threw them

"okay well you're a rotten tooth" you said, throwing the pillow

"yeah? well you're a broken toe nail" when Norman said that and threw the pillow, you gasped

"you did not! you stupid dumb dumb gumball!" you said, throwing the pillow, hitting him right in the face, making Chandler laugh his ass off

"what're you laughing at?!" you and Norman both joked at the same time, each of you throwing a pillow at him

"hey!" he giggled "that was mean!"

"get over it" you giggled laying down

"what is happening out here?" Lauren giggled, drying her hair off with a towel

"we had a.... pillow fight?" you chuckled

"pillow fight? why were you yelling at each other?" she laughed

"let's just say, things got intense. y/n called Norman a rotten tooth and Norman shot back by calling her a broken toenail, then y/n got mad, and called him a stupid dumb dumb gumball" Chandler giggled

"my heart got broken" you said, giving a pouty lip

"get over it" Chandler mocked you. you stuck your tongue out at him and giggled

"let's go to bed" Lauren said

"preach" you said, turning out the lamp. you all crawled into bed and the last thing you heard before falling asleep, was Norman

"goodnight you broken toenails"

the next morning

"good morning!" you heard Lauren shout

"mhhhhh" you huffed, pulling the covers over your head

"wake up! we have to be at the stadium by 8" she said, pulling the covers off your head

"what time is it?" you asked, groggily

"5" she said, shaking Norman and Chandler awake. you sat up and grabbed your phone from the bedside table. you had a message from Scott

Make sure you're downstairs ready to go by 7:00!

"guys get up. we have to be downstairs in two hours" you said, throwing a pillow at them

"ugghhh" they both groaned, almost in sync.

"get up!"

chandler riggs and occasional Carl Grimes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now