can't sleep?

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     as you tossed and turned in Chandler's bed, you attempted to find a comfortable position. you failed. Chandler was sitting at his desk playing a computer game with Sam, rather loudly. you let out an agitated sigh, and laid on your side with the covers pulled to your chin. Chandler obviously knew what that sigh meant, so he said goodbye to sam.

"Sam, I think I'm gonna head to bed. it's late and y/n is here. I'll talk to you later" he said, taking off his headset shortly after.

     it was almost 3:30 in the morning, which it wasn't odd that you were up that late, it's just that you've been up since seven in the morning that day.

     Chandler took off his shirt and crawled into bed next to you. you were laid in a kind of fetal position, so he put his hand on your hip, which your legs were curled up to, so his hand was practically on your ass, and you didn't have pants on. but, this was nothing new for you and Chandler. you placed an arm on his waist as he pulled you closer. you felt the warmth of his body transfer to yours. hes always so warm.

"can't sleep?" he asked, the pad of his thumb rubbing your thigh. you hummed in response, practically saying no "I'm sorry baby" he said, kissing your nose "come here" he added, pulling you on top of him

     he laid back, but pushed his head up to meet your lips. you kissed back, and placed both your hands on the sides of his face. the kiss grew more heated with every moment that passed. soon, Chandler had flipped you over, giving him control.

     he stripped you of your clothes, and of his.

you know what happens next I don't need to explain it

time skip whoosh

     as you laid back, out of breath from what you and Chandler did, you felt your eyelids get heavy. that wasn't your guy's first time, but it also didn't happen often. you threw on a t-shirt and your underwear, in case anyone happened to walk in, and Chandler put on his boxers. you cuddled up to his chest and he out his arm around you

"I think I can sleep now" you said. seconds later, you both bursted into laughter

"me too" he said. he kissed your forehead and the last thing you heard before falling asleep was: "I love you, princess"

sorry, this one's super short. I was just laying in bed and got this idea so I had to write it before I forgot it lol I hope you enjoyed and if you want me to do a smut, just lmk in the comments or something

chandler riggs and occasional Carl Grimes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now