pool party

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     you were invited to a pool party by your best friend, and you were so exited. you and y/bsf/n were getting ready together, since you stayed the night at her house the day before her party. as you were picking out what bathing suit to wear, y/bsf/n's doorbell rang

"that must be someone!" she said

"it's already time?" you asked

"yeah! it's almost four"

"oh wow. I'm not even dressed yet" you laughed

     y/bsf/n walked out and you continued to look between the white bathing suit, and the colored striped one.

"the white one" a husky voice said from behind you, startling you

"oh, my god" you huffed turning around to see Chandler "you scared me" you giggled

"oops" he laughed

"soooo, the white one?" you questioned

"yeah, I'd think it'd look better on your body type. it's not too revealing, but at the same time it shows all the right things. it's perfect"

"wow I didn't realize you were a fashionista" you giggled

"I pay attention" he shrugged

"okay, well, I'm gonna go put this on and you can tell me how it looks, sound good?"

"sure" he said as you walked into the bathroom

     you got dressed in your bathing suit and admired how your body looked in it. Chandler was right. you do look good in this suit. you took a smokin hot mirror picture and walked out.

"what do you think?" you asked, feeling a bit self conscious as Chandler's eyes examined your gorgeous figure.

"you look so good" he said, adding emphasis on "so"

"thanks" you said, sitting next to him on the bed "oh, I have another question" you said, pulling your phone out


"should I post this on my main on Instagram?" you asked, showing him the picture you took in the bathroom

"I mean, if you want attention from guys. buuutttt, you should take one with me so they won't bug you too much" he said, standing up

"let's do it" you said, leading him to the bathroom

     you both posed in the mirror, Chandler put one arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest, and he put his other hand a bit too low on your waist. you put your hand on his bicep and held your phone in the other. you and Chandler were rather close, so this was nothing too bizarre. you took the picture with flash, so your face was hardly visible.

"caption?" you asked, walking out of the bathroom

"uhhh, I don't know. look one up"

"okay fine" you giggled "aren't actors supposed to be, like, creative or something?"

"hey!" he said, gently smacking your arm "I am very creative"

"yeah? well then give me a creative caption"

"yeah okay, give me a second" he thought for a moment "star wars and star trek should do a cross over in the near future"

"dude, that's stupid" you said plainly

"but it's creative" he shrugged

"whatever" you laughed

~star wars and star trek should do a cross over in the near future~ -chandler

chandler riggs and occasional Carl Grimes imaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz