vacation pt. 1

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"we're on our way" Chandler said

"okay, so like, twenty minutes?" you asked


"okay, see you soon"

"love you" he said

"I love you too" you smiled

"bye" he said, hanging up the phone

you're going on a weekend get away with Chandler's mom, dad, brother, aunt, uncle, and two cousins. you and Chandler are beyond excited for the 10 hour car ride together. you and he are sitting in the very back of the car, Grayson in the middle row, and Gina and Will up front. you're going to Campton, Kentucky (that's where I went on vacation this weekend😂) 

as you finished packing your bag, you walked downstairs to be greeted with an empty house. this didn't surprise you. ever since your dad died your mom hasn't been around, and your only sibling died last year due to a drunk driver. you're okay though. you have Chandler's family, who you love dearly.

you heard your doorbell ring and grabbed your bag and opened the door to reveal your lovely boyfriend.

"hey" you smiled, hugging him

"give me this" he said, taking your bag from you

"why, thank you" you giggled. he smiled and took your hand and led you to the car. he put your bag in the trunk while you crawled into the back. Chandler soon followed.

he sat down next to you and handed you a blanket.

"ready?" Gina asked as you buckled your seatbelt

"yeah" Chandler said

she started to drive and you and Grayson started joking back and forth.

"whatever" you giggled

"I'm being serious" he laughed

"you're literally so stupid" you and he laughed, and Chandler gave you funny looks "what?" you giggled

"you're so beautiful" he smiled

"awww" Grayson cooed sarcastically

"shut up" you giggled, smacking Grayson's arm "thank you" you said to Chandler, pecking his lips

"no funny business back there!" Will yelled, causing you all to giggle

the drive was long, but fun. the first two hours were spent talking to Chandler and Grayson about stuff, the third hour was spent singing to disney songs, the fourth was spent annoying chandler by crawling all over him and eating mcdonalds, the fifth, sixth, and seventh, were spent sleeping on Chandler's lap, the eighth and ninth were spent staring out the window as Chandler played with your hair, and the tenth was spent laying down in the back seat with Chandler on top of you laying his head on your chest, snoring.

then, you finally arrived at the cabin. since you had left the house at about midnight, it was only 10 in the morning.

"chandler, Grayson, help me unpack the bags and you girls can go inside and check everything out" will said

"kay" Chandler and Grayson said at the same time, chandler bringing himself off of you and sitting up. he pecked your lips before getting out of the car

"come on, y/n" Gina said, getting out of the car. you followed.

you walked to the porch and when Gina opened the door you walked inside. it was a beautiful cabin. it had a wrap around porch, an outdoor hot tub, a bathtub with jets in one of the rooms, two bathrooms, a second floor, a huge kitchen, and lots of woods to roam. there were 6 rooms. two downstairs, four upstairs. the one downstairs was the one with the her bathtub.

"you can take you and y/n's stuff in that room" Gina said to Chandler, pointing to the room with the bathtub.


as Chandler, will, and Grayson finished bringing the bags in, Chandler's other family arrived.

"nice to meet you" his aunt said, shaking your hand "I'm Lori, (don't say it) this is Wallace, my husband" she said, motioning to an older looking guy with a beard

"y/n" you said with a kind smile

"over there, thats callie and Jacob" she added, pointing to the two kids. they looked to be about fifteen, maybe sixteen. the same age as you probably.

"they give you any trouble you come to me" Wallace said

"got it" you smiled

"y/n" Chandler said, catching your attention "come help me with this" he said, pointing into the room

"oops, gotta go" you laughed, walking away from Lori and wallace. you walked into the room and shut the door behind you, only for Chandler to start kissing your neck roughly, pushing you against the wall "Chandler" you gasped

"hm?" he asked, still kissing you

"we can't do this right now" you whispered

"why not?" he asked, still pressing his lips to your neck and chest

"your family is out there"

"but I'm hornyyy" he whined, looking into your eyes

"go jerk off in the bathroom or something" you giggled

"but I want youuu" he said

"you have some pretty provokotive pictures of me in your phone" you said, still laughing slightly

"ugh, fine" he said, walking out of the room and into the bathroom

"oh my god" you giggled to yourself

hey guys. so, I didn't really want to make this into multiple parts, but if I didn't, it would be a suppppeeeerrrrr long chapter. so I had to improvise

chandler riggs and occasional Carl Grimes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now